Beginning of "Twists"

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No one from my house was there to receive me. It was not surprising though, because I never expected. There was someone from everyone's family but mine. Lots of hugs and greetings took place and those all things made me feel uncomfortable. Although I was in my twenties but still I am a human at the end of the day and I too have feelings and right then I felt really bad. Among all those hugs I stood there alone with my backpack which was hugging me from behind. It was a warm hug. After that session we all headed towards exit. It was around 4 in the evening but sun was on flames as if taunting me because everyone got their personal vehicles and I had to stand there bargaining with a rickshawala.

"Get in, I will drop you," a voice interrupted my bargain from behind. Standing there was a familiar white SUV and a very familiar face inside. No suspense there, it was Sneha. Her little sister came to pick her up obviously with their driver. Her sister Diya, I never really talked much with her and I had no idea about her. Only thing, she's as pretty as Sneha.

"Still the same SUV?" I asked still standing, being sun kissed.

"No, this one's latest model," she said rolling her eyes as she hated each and every model of that car and her dad loved those. "Come on fast, get in."

I wanted to go with her but I was too tired to discuss about that letter anymore, which I knew was anyhow going to happen.

"No, its fine, and your house is far away from mine. It's ok I will go by fare," I made a lame but a little reasonable excuse.

"You sure?" she asked and I nodded in reply. And there she went, and I was again left back with that rickshaw, rickshawala and a little of carbon monoxide, thanks to her car. I somehow managed to bargain and was just about to get onto it when, yet another familiar voice hit my ears-"Hey birdnest!"

It was Saara. Who is she? The only girl who knows nearly everything that happened and happens in my life, a real close friend cum neighbor. Well I can give a short description about her to make you guys familiar with her- a God fearing Muslim, an aspiring doctor and a great friend of course....and yeah, little melancholy just like Jaques of "As You Like It" .

Next comes- why birdnest? Well, it's because of my hair, and I don't even remember when I last combed it.

I turned towards her to greet her.

"Ya Allah, look at you, you changed a lot since I last saw you. But not your hair, it's still the same," she laughed there; sitting on her scooty, hands folded and helmet on.

"Asalaamu Alaikum, Saara!" I greeted that sweet young woman.

"W Alaikum Asalaamu, birdnest! Come on fast, our moms are waiting."

"Where's dad? Shouldn't he come rather than sending you" I asked in astonishment and irritation.

"Well, FYI he is in Delhi, didn't he tell you?" she asked as she ignited the engine.

I laughed. Me and my dad talking was a rare thing, like totally rare. Keeping phone calls aside, even our whatsapp conversation was just a dozen of sarcastic quotes' images, sent by him to point my mistakes. And there she expected for him to tell me where he went or me to ask him about his trip plans. Fascinating it was. I thought she knew a lot about me.

"Chill, I know you both don't talk much. Just wanted to confirm," she winked and we were on our way to home.

Okay, she knew that fact. Why wouldn't she? We were neighbors after all for 7 years till then. yeah but last 4 years, I rarely went there but still we both were in contact and shared everything small thing.

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