Way Back Home...

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60 minutes passed and finally we heard a loud honk from a distance. Luckily there was no drama there and it was the train we were waiting for. Sarthak and I went near the edge of the platform just to bend and see the engine entering the station. Typical Indian style of confirming. We spotted the colourful engine of Duronto, one of its kind. Sarthak signalled everyone to get ready. All at once were on their feet, which they already were, but again thumped feet on that platform floor hard just to show their concern to board that train. I laughed, internally of course, seeing that scene.

"Uff! Finally," sighed Nikita as we all took our seats after arranging our bags. There were not many people in our compartment luckily, because while going to Manali, old uncles and aunts on train were scolding us for laughing and shouting late night. And this time I couldn't make out any such characters, at least till then.

9 seats were reserved for us but Soumya was an unexpected addition. Luckily Shashank dad's railway employee and therefore he himself also had an AC pass which allowed Soumya to stay with us as an attender. Sneha-Soumya and Sarthak-myself, took 2 side berths (both lower and upper). And rest 6 settled themselves in front of my berth- 2 lower, 2 middle and 2 upper berths, in simple words, one whole division.

What can anyone think of, after getting into an air conditioned train at 2pm? Simple, Sleeping. We slept whole afternoon and even whole evening, unknown of the fact that, something big was waiting.


"Shagun ke papa, fast, fast, train doesn't stop here for much time. Shagun, go and sit there and arrange the luggage. Sonu, sit silently next to your sister, go." These were not just normal phrases. They came out of a 5'5'' tall and approx. 90 kg weighing, bass loudspeaker.

My sleep broke as I heard her voice. And to my surprise all my friends were wide awake now, most probably because of the same reason.

"Ufff, it's so hot in here. Shagun ke papa are you sure this is an air conditioned compartment?" she sighed and yelled, somewhat simultaneously.

My first thought was- Who the hell is she? How did she get into this train? , after listening to her.

"Yes Shagun ki maa, this whole train is air conditioned," her "Shagun ke papa" replied arranging a heap of luggage just next to our berths.

Time was sharp 10pm and it was Mughal Sarai Junction, from where that loudspeaker boarded this train.

We all looked to each other after listening her loud, loud voice. And I somehow guessed she would be that on character that night, which we missed whole vacation- An Interrupter.

While all this was happening, Piyush ran to me and asked a very important question-"Dude, where is Shagun?" I was about to burst out in laughter but controlled. Yes, he had a valid doubt. We saw Shagun ki maa and Shagun ke papa but there was no sight of Shagun until then. They were just next to us in lower berths. I could see that fat lady and her son, Sonu on one side and bald husband of her was only partly visible with her daughter, Shagun, who was not at all visible from our side. Sarthak, Piyush and I, myself was becoming curious about that girl.

"Maa, talk little slowly, others would be sleeping," finally Shagun inaugurated her voice. I think she felt our curiosity.

"Sleeping?" she shifted her neck left and then right and finally stuck her eyes on our gang, "Beti, there's no one here other than these college students and see, they are also awake," she continued and smiled at us. She was right, there was no one in that compartment other than them, us and a small family which was far away from our division. And maybe I was wrong, she was not that bad.

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