World's so small

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It was August 2011. Our relation, i.e. my relation with Nidhi, was one month old now. We didn't spend much time together because of heavy course load. We just met at coaching and sometimes near a fitness centre, where she went for workout. Those meetings too were planned by her and not by me. I never took interest in that relation. I always insisted her to be like friends until studies get complete but she made me to agree with her to continue that purported relation. Yes I encouraged it at first and that was the reason why I couldn't come out of it later on.

She wanted a daily contact either in a way of sms, call or meeting. I never refused but from inside I was irritated. For me a relation was two people liking each other; that's it. Frequent messages, phone calls and meetings were never the meaning of "Relation", in my dictionary at least. But she never understood it.

There were many misunderstandings between us. She always tried to adjust but I was not ready for it. Overall it was a one sided relation.

No matter I was in a relation with Nidhi but Sneha was never out of my mind. She still had a corner in my mind even after much changes came in. I wanted to meet her; I wanted to express my feelings to her. For that I decided to go to her house and there was no problem in that because her family knows me well as her friend and not her one side lover. But for my bad luck they no more lived in that house and what was their new address, only God knew.

It was very easy to find Sneha as she was reading in same school that of Nidhi but I dared not to ask her about Sneha because Nidhi never liked to talk about any other girl in front of her. So I started finding Soumya. I didn't have her number so I went to Abhi as they were in relation and I thought he must have contact of Soumya. And there came my bad luck again. They broke up three months back, which I never knew as I never asked and he never told me about it, so he was not having any contact of Soumya and her address too was a mystery for me. Finally I lost every hope of finding her and was carrying on with Nidhi, trying to bring up some love for her.

I slowly started taking interest in her. I started spending time with her. She even took me to her house one day. That was a palace again. They were Gujaratis, a real community with real cash. For once I thought, 'Why am I always getting involved with girls of high class?' To every extent it was true. Three girls and each of them with some heavy backgrounds; it was really worth thinking. Keeping her riches aside, her parents were very humble and friendly towards me as she introduced me as her friend and not as her boyfriend, otherwise a rifle which was hanging on their wall would have been next to my fore head for sure.


"So how far you want to take this?" Nidhi asked. It was 5pm, pleasant breeze and spring before winter. We were lying on green grass, facing the blue sky and beside us was flowing greenish blue water. A complete colourful "filmy" setup for a teenage couple.

I stared at her for a moment, finding the answer. She was still looking towards skies, I guess, searching for farthest of the clouds. I didn't want to see that cloud but, I wanted to see her smiling.

"What do you want- days, months, years?" I asked her, still watching her innocent smile. She slowly turned towards me and looked into my eyes.

"I...I want it for-ever," she replied. We were looking into each other's eyes. "You want the same?" she asked me again.

"Hmm-hmm yes, I promise you today, I would never leave you," I replied semiconsciously. I don't know whether it was the place we were in or her presence so close to me, that made me to promise her but promise was done and I had to keep it. She was totally convinced.

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