Twenty Three.

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I had woken up before Rose and I thought I would make breakfast for her. I made pancakes and hot melted chocolate with strawberries because I remember her telling me this was her favourite breakfast if she was to have breakfast that is because she hates breakfast.

I laid everyone out on the table when a sleepy Rose came down the stairs in just my baggy top and knickers. She was rubbing her tired eyes and right now, I'm not joking she looked cute and beautiful.

I slowly walked up to her as she yawned with her eyes closed. I wrapped my arms around her waist and my face was inches away from hers.

"Morning beautiful" I whispered as I pecked her lips as she smiled.

"Morning" She said now looking at me.

"I made you breakfast. Your favourite" I said pulling her towards the kitchen.

"Wow. God Harry you didn't have to do this" She said smiling widely at all the food.

"You deserve it babe" I said and kissed her cheek. "Come on, dig in" I said as we both sat down and dig into the pancakes I had made.


"You had breakfast without us?" We looked up and saw my mum and sister standing in the doorway of the kitchen.

"Yea sorry, I can make more if you want" I paniced as Rose squeezed my hand which was on her thigh.

"Its okay sweetie. We had someone to eat before we came home anyway don't worry so much" Mum said kissing my forehead as she picked up the dirty plates.

"Let me help you"  Rose said getting up and helping my mum take the plates to the kitchen.

Mum didn't seem bothered that Rose was only in my baggy top and knickers and nether did Rose. I guess it was a girl thing. But watching them clean the dirty dishes together and talk made me smile. This right here was everything I ever wanted but I knew tomorrow me and Rose would have to go back and everything wouldn't be okay. Everything will never be okay.


Me, mum and Rose were sitting in the living room watching tv and talking, we were all sitting in comfy clothes as we all just wanted to have a lazy day.

"So Rose have you got a family at home missing you right now?" Mum asked and I saw Rose's face drop.

"Mum..." I said but Rose squeezed my hand and gave me a smile small.

"No its fine, Harry, really" She said and mum looked confused at us.

"Did I say something wrong? I'm sorry if I did, I didn't mean to" She apologised and Rose smiled at her.

"No its fine. Its just I live on my own in London" Rose explained

"Oh if you don't mind me asking wheres your mum and dad?"

"Mum..." But Rose again stopped me.

"No its fine. They died a couple hours after I was born" Rose explained and mum looked shocked.

"Oh dear I'm so very sorry"

"Its fine. I never met them so ive come to grow with it you know" She smiled and mum smiled back.

"What happened if you don't mind me asking?" And Rose shook her head.

"I don't mind at all"

But I knew that as soon as mum heard the story she would figure out who Rose was. Mum probably remembers that day as much as my dad does because my mum tried to stop him. That day was one of the reasons mum left. Most of all I knew mum would know I know who Rose really is and she would wonder why.


"What happened if you don't mind me asking?" Anne asked and I shook my head.

"I don't mind at all." I said and Harry looked like he spaced out but he held my hand tighter anyway. "I only know what my uncle told me because he ran away with me to make sure I was safe. My mum held me for at the most an hour before giving me to my uncle and being shot right in the heart. This was after my dad had seen me for about 10 minutes before running off to fight for his life." As I said this, Anne looked shocked and sad but there was something else that flashed behind her eyes but I couldn't see what it was.

"Why were they shot?" Anne asked and at this point Harry's phone started ringing.

"Sorry, I've got to take this. Carry on talking" He said and walked outside.

"So do you know why they were shot?" Anne asked again.

"My dad wasn't the best man. He did some wrong things, I mean who doesn't but he did very bad things from what I heard. He had some bad enemies who wanted him dead. It was his job, if you can call it that, that caused them to be shot. My mum and dad were so in love. They did everything together and did anything for each other. The bad things my dad did, my mum helped him with. These enemies knew this. They wanted her dead too. They heard mum was pregnant and knew where they would be when I was to be born, so they took at as a chance to kill them. They succeeded" I said and I didn't realise until Anne came and hugged me that I was crying.

"Oh darling I know how hard it must be but you're a strong girl. I mean you've got over this and carried on your life. I know its probably hard because you never met them but they love you, their looking down on you now I bet. Its all going to be fine" She said to me as she hugged me tight. I never had a mother figure in my life of any type and right now with Anne it felt nice. Nice to have a mother infront of me and comforting me. Even if it isn't mine.


It was my dad calling me and I knew I couldn't ignore him so I decided to leave her to talk to mum because I couldn't stand the look my mum was giving me. She knew who Rose was and looked to disappointed in me.


"Harry? Its done"

"Whats done?" I asked confused.

"The warning"

I was even more confused now.


"When you told us Rose's address we decided today that we would send a warning"

"WHAT?! WHat did you do?!" I said now angry and holding the phone tighter.

"We just left a little note, nothing big" Dad said but I could tell by his tone in voice he was lying.

"Don't lie to me!" I shouted

"Ive got to go Harry. Talk when youre back" He said and hung up before I could say anything.

He only did that because he knew I was angry and he didn't like angry me. Nether did I but what else can I do.

As I walked back in the house I said mum hugging Rose.

"-now I bet. Its all going to be fine" I only heard the end of my mums sentence but when she looked at me from over Rose's shoulder I knew she was disappointed in me and wanted to talk to me.

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