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As I climbed up the junk to the sofa I saw the sun setting. What a beautiful time to be here, alive.

I noticed a figure sitting on my sofa and stopped. They had their head down and I didn't recognise them. I stepped forward and got my foot stuck, that's when I tripped and made the loudest noise ever. The figure snapped its head towards my direction and got up. They started towards me and it was until then that I saw it was Harry.



"What are you doing here?" I asked getting up and walking towards him.

"I hope you don't mind that I used your special place, I just needed a place to think or maybe not think, haven't figured that out yet" He chuckled and I nodded.

"Nahh its fine" I said sitting down on the sofa as he now took a seat next to me.

"So why you here?"

"I needed some air" I answered and he nodded with a sigh.

I realised that I answer Harry's question very bluntly and I know that's because of the way I grew up and I know I don't really owe Harry anything but I feel bad. After hearing my mum and dad's story it makes me think maybe me and Harry aren't so different.

"I heard the story of my  mum and dad today, its why I needed air" I said after a while. I felt Harrys eyes on me but I continued to look forward. "They met in a club and were the most in love people anyone knew. My mum hated my dad at first but he saved her one day and that hated faded. They adored and cared about everyone around them but they weren't stupid, they didn't trust anyone." I said no knowing why I was telling Harry all this. "My dad didn't believe in love until my mum came along. They had each others back and if it weren't for me....they would still be here living" I said as tears now streamed down my cheeks.

"Rose..." I heard Harry say as he took my hand in his. I looked at him and smiled.

"I know its stupid to think that but them people were only coming for my parents because of me. Because I was something they were afraid of. They didn't know what I would turn out like. They were scared, so they did what they thought would work but it didn't cause I'm here right now. They failed but succeed at the same time. They took my parents away and for them that's winning because know all they have to do is destroy little old me. But trust me I'm hard to break, I've gone through hell and back and I'm still here. I've lived without my parents and that's hard. There not getting me, not ever" I said and Harry looked confused.

"Why are you talking like they are coming back for you? Were the people who killed your parents the ones who did that to your flat?" He asked concerned and I laughed.

"Of course they were. They think that scared me, oh no that just made me angry, so angry. I want revenge. Not just for me but for my parents." I sneered and Harry grabbed my hand tighter.

"Rose what are you talking about?"

"I'm going to make the people who did that to my parents pay. They going to be hit so hard they wont know about it, they wont even feel it coming. I'm going to make them feel as much hurt as I have for the whole 19 years of my life. I cant wait" I smiled like a mad man and Harry looked nearly scared.

He looked at me one last time before looking back out at the view and letting go of my hand. This was when I frowned.

"Harry?" I said reaching for his hand but he moved it away.


"What have I done?"

"Are you really going to go through with that plan?" He asked still not looking at me.

"Yes. They deserve it Harry for what they did!"

"Maybe they do but you doing this will make you no better than they are!" Harry said no looking at me with such distress in his eyes.

"What?" I asked shocked.

"They did something bad. Something unforgiving. Something no one should have to go through let alone do it themselves but what if you do whatever it is your planning? I don't know kill the man or men or hell even women who killed your parents? That would make you know better than them. They will have mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, daughters, sons whatever. They would have all that themselves and your just going to take them away from them. One shot. Their gone from this world, from their sons world. No more useless conversations or arguments. You know what that's like. Do you really wish that on someone else?"

"Harry they did something so wrong and horrible. I couldn't live with myself if I had the chance to do something for my mum and dad and not do it. I've never been able to do something for them because they were gone, I couldn't make them stupid mud pies when I was a kid. I just want to do something for them, even if they aren't here. Just one thing for them before it all ends."

"What'd you mean before it all ends?" Harry asked even more confused than before.

"If I do this, then its over. The people who did this to my parents get what they deserve and I've done something for my parents. Even if I die, at least I tried. I don't want to go through life knowing I never tried. It will be over after this, you have to understand." I pleaded.

"I do understand" Harry said after a moments silence. "That's why I know anything I say wont change your mind because I know that if I were you I would do the same thing." He said quickly and right then I kissed him. I grabbed his face in my hands and kissed him with all the passion I had left in me.

This here. Harry understanding me. Makes me think of my mum and dad. They understood each other just like me and Harry. Maybe like Margaret said, maybe me and Harry will last a long time. Maybe Harry is the one for me. Maybe like my dad, Harry can show me love.

 Maybe me and Harry aren't so different as we thought.

Gone - Harry Styles [AU]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt