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She wasnt bitter. She was sad, though. But it was a hopeful kind of sad. The kind of sad that just takes time.



"APRIL! Where are you goin'?" Dave, my uncle, said as i was about to open the front door. 


"We're having a meeting"

"Well just do it without me cause I'm going out" I said and opened the door. 

"We cant, we need you in the meeting too"

"Well do it when i come back" I said and slammed the door shut as i left. 

Im April Walker and yes I'm in the Walker Gang. My uncle Dave is the leader at the moment but everyone says that i will be it soon, as I'm turning 19 in a couple of days. Dave only took over being the leader because when my mum and dad died I was only a new born baby. My uncle took me under his wing and he taught me everything i know. 

I never knew my mum and dad but Dave told me all about them. Apparently I'm a lot like my mum. Stubborn and head strong, knowing what i want and everything. But also i have a bit of my dad in me when i fight. Mum died after giving birth to me. Apparently she held me once but when they took me away someone from the Styles Gang came and killed her. My dad died fighting the Styles Gang the same night. He never got to see me or hold me. He knew he was having a daughter and him and my mum picked my name April before they died. 

The Styles Gang are our rival enemies. We've been trying to take each other down for years now. The night they killed my parents was the night that they nearly succeeded in taking us down. But my uncle and a couple other men ran away with me. Found a new place and started new. Got more people and trained everyone better than before. 

So then we come to where we are. Living in a secret house on the outskirts of London but I brought myself my own flat in London, where i can go if i dont wanna be with everyone else. Plus it makes me look like a normal person instead of hiding. Also if i think somones following me I dont give away the secret house. 

"Rose, how are you doing?" I was snapped out my thoughts when i walked into the small cafe in London, that i always go to. 

"Im fine how are you Johnny?" I said. 

Yes Johnny called me Rose. I dont give people my real name anymore. Everytime we move or someone finds out my real name, i change my image and my name. Basically no one knows my real name except the people in the Walker Gang. 

"Im good thank you, the usual?" 

"Yes please, Hows the kids?" 

Johnny is 55 and has three kids and two grandchildren. He loves talking about them and i always ask how they are. Its so interesting listening to people talk about the thing they love. The sparkle in their eyes. Its amazing to see.

Johnny is the nicest and most innocent old man you'll met. His nice to everyone, even if they dont deserve it. His a role model. I've always looked out for Johnny since I've started coming here. 

"Here you go dear." 

"Thank you Johnny" I said kissing him on the cheek. 

I waved bye to Johnny as i walked down the road with my tea towards the book store. 

Ever since i was little I loved books and i still do. I get called a book worm a lot by my uncle but i just shake it off. I love books because you can get lost in another world. 

"Morning Rose"

"Morning Margret" 

Marget was the old women who owned this book shop. She gave me job here when we first moved. Shes such a sweet old lady and loves talking about her pets, children and books. 

"You can start by putting them books away" Marget said pointing at the tray of books at the back. 

"Okay, I'll get right on it" I said throwing the rest of my tea away before i started putting the books away. 

Margret doesnt mind when i come in and when i dont, which is good because if the gang need me i dont need to make up an excuse. I just dont turn up and shes fine. The book store isnt normally that busy as its quite small, so its not like she cant handle it on her own. 


Its been an hour and im still at the book store. I know Dave wanted a meeting but it can wait. I hate being cooped up in that house, i preferr being out here. 

Its took me a while to put the books away because i always look and read about the book before i put it on the shelf, so im still putting them away as we speak. 

I was looking at John Green Paper Towns book at the moment when someone interrupted me. 

"Thats a good choice" 

"Huh?" I said looking up and finding a boy around my age standing there smiling. I looked back at the book before looking back at the curly haired boy standing infront of me. 

"You've read it?" I asked raising one eyebrow. 

"Yea is that so hard to believe?" 

"Well when you look like that, yea it is" I said putting the book on the shelf. 

"What you mean, 'look like that'?" He asked as he followed me as i moved to put the rest of the books away. 

"Well you look like a boy who was a popular jerk in high school and a boy which all the girls would love to be with" I said looking at the book in my hands before putting it on a shelf. 

"Well, like they say, dont judge a book by its cover" He said quietly but i still heard it

"Sorry, you just dont look like you read books" I said looking at him and he looked at me then at the new book in my hands. 

"The Great Gatsby"

"What?" I said before looking at my hands and seeing that, that was the book in my hands. 

"Oh, what about it, you read that one too?" 

"Yea i have actually, five times to be exact" He said taking it from my hands and reading the back cover. 

"It must be good then" 

"You've never read it" He said looking up at me. 

"Nope" I said popping the 'p'. 

"You should, its amazing" 

"Might just take you up on that offer you know" I said and smiled before giving the book back to me. 

"Im Harry by the way" He said putting his hand out

"Rose" I said and shook his hand. 

"Beautiful name for a beautiful lady" 


"I like cheese" 

I looked at him for a minute to see if he was joking but he wasnt. 

"I'll let you get on with your job, I wanna look for a new book anyway" He said and waved before walking off and i just laughed at him. 

Who was this boy? 






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