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"Did you want to spend the night?" I asked when we broke the kiss.

"I would love too" He said as we both got out the car.

As our hands entwined I couldn't help but think of what just happened. He just saved my life. He just said he loves me. He said it before me. Hearing Harry say them words made me feeling admit it to myself. I love him too. I've never loved anyone before. Yes I love my parents even though I didn't know but its just not the same. Its not the same kind of love.

"Rose?" Harry said as I closed the door of my apartment, which still wasn't clean.

Before he could speak again I grabbed his face and smashed our lips together.

"Harry, I want to tell you about me" I said as our foreheads touch and we looked into each others eyes.

"I know you though?" He asked confused.

"No you don't. Just please let me tell you who I am" I asked and he nodded when he saw the pain in my face. "Come on" I said as I lead him to my bedroom, so we could sit on the bed away from all the mess.

I didn't think I would ever tell someone about me. About the real me. Let alone tell Harry. The first time I met him I thought it was just going to be a casual friendship. I didn't know I would spend this much time with him and end up falling in love with him. I didn't think I would want him around all the time. I didn't think I would fall this hard for someone I hardly knew.

I know telling Harry everything was risky but I was willing to take the risk. If I've fallen in love which I thought I never thought could happen, then maybe I should put my fears into action. As much as I knew this wasn't right, to tell him everything about my life, about the gang. I knew I had to. I love him. If I learnt anything from my parents videos it was to be honest to the one you love, no secrets.

"Promise me you wont leave?" I asked and right now Harry could see how vulnerable I looked.

"I promise" He said as he held my hands tightly in his hands.

We were now sitting opposite each other on my bed.

"I don't know where to start so I'm just going to start with saying, I lied to you about who I am" I said but when I looked at Harry I couldn't tell what he was feeling. He had no emotions on his face at all.


"I don't know where to start so I'm going to start with saying, I lied to you about who I am" She said and paused as she looked at me, studying my face.

I knew what was coming. She was about to tell me about her and the gang. She was going to tell me stuff I know and some stuff I don't. I made sure to keep no emotion on my face because I didn't want to interrupt her. I didn't know what I was meant to feel about this because I already knew. I already knew she had been lying to me. However even through all this I knew it didn't change my opinion on how I feel about her. I still love her. I know I shouldn't. I know its a death trap by loving her. I know I will get hurt in the end. I know she will get hurt in the end too but there's nothing I can do anymore. I love her and there's nothing I can do. I didn't mean to fall this hard but I did. I don't regret it though, trust me on that.


"I'm not Rose." I started again and this time I was looking at my hands, not being able to hold his gaze anymore. I've never felt this vulnerable before. "My real name is April Walker. I'm in a gang, the Walker gang. I'm the leader of this gang. It was my mum and dad who started it, a long time again. When I told you how they died, I didn't lie. They died because of what they did, meaning the gang."

I decided to now look up at Harry. He still had no emotion on his face but he was still holding my hands has tight as before.

"The Walker gang has one true enemy. That being a gang called the Styles. They've always had it out for us. I don't know why, I think my mum and dad did but they never shared why with anyone but themselves. The Styles gang heard about my mum and dad having a baby and thought it was a threat to them. They were meant to kill me that day. A small fucking new born baby, how could someone be so sick. Instead they decided to kill my mum and dad. They couldn't get to me. My uncle took my away and ran. My uncle showed me videos of my parents since I was a young age. I watched videos of my dad fighting as soon as I could start walking. That's when my uncle and a couple other people decided to train me up. Age fucking 7 was when I started training. Most kids went out to the park, I went to a warehouse with the gang and trained. I thought it was normal. How could a fucking kid think that's normal? I knew nothing else. Fighting was all I knew when I hit age 13. All I knew was to protect myself and fight people. I didn't learn to fight with a gun until I was 16. Before that I was just fighting with my hands. I've killed a man with my bare hands before. We lived in Kent for a while. We then moved to Wales, Scotland, Liverpool, Blackpool. We went all round this stupid fucking country before finally coming to the outskirts of London. Every place we went I had a different name. When we came here I picked Rose. I thought it was a good idea. Kept me hidden. Stopped people, the styles gang, from finding me. Everything was under the name Rose, this apartment, my mail, everything. But then obviously they found me. I don't know. I somehow knew they would soon. We've lived in this place for too long for someone not to find me. I told my Uncle months again we should leave again but he said we were safe. However we're not. I'm not. They found me, as you can see. They trashed my apartment, leaving a message. It didn't scare me though. And like I told you I'm getting my revenge for my parents as well as me. I never planned on telling you this. I never planned on falling in love with you but that happened. I wanted to tell you this because I don't want to keep it a secret from you anymore. This is me. April Walker. A gang leader." I finally ended and I felt him letting go of my hands. I knew he'd leave. I knew I'd scared him off. I looked down waiting for him to just get up and leave but it never happened.

"Ro-April..." He said correcting himself. He grabbed my chin and pulled it up so I was know looking at him. "I don't care. All those lies. All of this. I still love you. It doesn't matter to me. Everyone has a past and secrets, this was yours. I don't care. I still love you" He said and I smiled widely at him.

"Make love to me, Harry" I breathed out.

I didn't need to as

Gone - Harry Styles [AU]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt