Twenty Six.

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Me and Rose arrived at her apartment not long after 6 in the evening. I suddenly started to feel nervous when we got closer and closer to her door. I knew my dad had left a warning. I didn't know what and I was scared to find out. I mean he said it was only a little note but knowing my dad its a bit bigger than just a note.

"Home sweet ho-" Rose stopped half sentence as she opened the door.

She froze in the doorway and as I was taller than her I could see into the apartment. I got angry. My dad did more than leave a little note. He fucking ruined her whole apartment. The furniture was all over the place. Glass broken on the floor. Pillows ripped open. Bills and letters all open and over the floor. Bullet marks where in some of the walls and pillows. Marks all over the walls. It was horrible.

"No" Rose whispered as she dropped her bag near the door and walked in more.

She ran to the kitchen and I followed her. I didn't know what she was looking for but she was frantically looking through all the cupboards in the kitchen. She must have come to the cupboard she wanted because she stopped before taking off the back of the cupboard. There was nothing there from what I could see and I must of been right because Rose became very angry.

"Who did this?" She whispered through gritted teeth. I had never seen anyone so angry.

She suddenly looked at me with a death glare that could've killed me.


"I don't know" I stuttered out

"LIAR!" She shouted and stood up. "JUST GET OUT! LEAVE ME ALONE!" She shouted and I didn't want to cause anything more so I left.

I walked out the door just as she slammed it shut behind me and got in my car. I drove like a mad man to get to my dad. I needed to have words.


"Home sweet ho-" I stopped half way through my sentence as I saw what my apartment looked like.

It was ruined. The furniture was all over the place. Glass broken on the floor. Pillows ripped open. Bills and letters all open and over the floor. Bullet marks where in some of the walls and pillows. Marks all over the walls. It was horrible. The first thing that came to my mind was the videos of my parents before they died. The ones I grew up with. The ones my uncle gave me. I kept them in the back of a cupboard in the kitchen because I thought they would be safe.

"No" I whispered as I walked more into my apartment and run to my kitchen. I knew Harry was following me because I could hear his heavy footsteps behind me.

I found the cupboard I was looking for and took off the back. Nothing was there. Nothing. Who ever had broken in took the videos of my parents. The only videos I had of them. The videos I had grown up with.

"Who did this?" I whispered with gritted teeth. Saying I was angry was an understatement.

"WHO DID THIS?!" I shouted at Harry as I was now standing in front of him.

"I don't know" He stuttered out.

"LAIR!" I shouted, I know I shouldn't be blaming him but he was the only one in front of me. When I'm angry I don't know what I'm doing or saying. Anger takes over.

"JUST GET OUT! LEAVE ME ALONE!" I shouted and he listened.

I slammed the door shut behind him and screamed. I need to know who did this. I need to know who has my videos.

I walked into my bathroom and saw writing in red on my mirror which read:

'This is only a warning. Get ready for a world of pain sweetheart -D.S'.

D.S. Des Styles. The Styles gang. Of course. Who else. I slammed my fist into the mirror and it broke into a million pieces that fell on the floor and into the sink below it.

The Styles gang is wanting to bring down the Walkers once again, but they didn't succeed last time and they sure as hell wont succeed again. Not over my dead body. My mum and dad brought up this gang and its the only thing I have of them and I will not let it all go to waste now that they are gone. I will fight. The Styles have nothing on me. I know things no one should know.

Once question that's in my mind is how did they know where I lived? Its good it was this apartment and not the safe house but still, how have they became that skilled to find me. Especially because this apartment is under my fake name, Rose, not April. They don't even know my real name anyway. I will get answers. I will know the truth and the Styles gang will go down.

They've just messed with the wrong girl.

Gone - Harry Styles [AU]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin