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When I ran out that back door in the warehouse, I didn't think the first place I would run to would be here. Sitting in the living room of Harry's mum's house. I don't know how I got here but with the rush of wanting to be as far away from the warehouse and everyone as I could, this was the first place I thought of. Turning up on the doorstep with tears streaming down my face, Anne looked worried and surprised. She invited me straight away and that's how I'm here sitting down while she's making tea for us. I don't know why I came here for sure but I know I need to be her for the minute. I need to be with someone I know who hasn't lied to me.

"Here you go, love. It'll make you feel better" She said as she come in with two teas in her hands.

She took a seat next to me without saying another word. I know she understands that I just need to calm down and think through everything before I speak.

"I'm sorry I came here. I just didn't know where else to go" I started as I put my tea on the side and faced Anne fully.

"Its fine dear. I told you when you came here with Harry to come back whenever you wanted." She said with a bright smile which I tried to return but knew I just failed at it.

My smile and happiness wasn't here anymore. Harry's not here anymore.

"I came here from a warehouse where I was tricked to go by Harry. Des had a plan to kill me then. Of course, no offence to you, but that didn't happen because I'm a better fighter, as its all I know. However I just cant get over what Harry did. He betrayed me. He made me fall in love with him, just to be broken by him. To have almost kill me."

"Oh honey, I didn't know!" Anne said shocked and moved closer to hold my hand tightly in hers.

"Des tied me up on a chair and made Harry point a gun at him. He told Harry to shoot me but he didn't. Harry said he couldn't because he loves me. I know his telling the truth. I know he means it. I saw the pain and hurt in his eyes the moment he saw me. He wanted to save me but he didn't want to let his dad down. I mean who doesn't, right? Who doesn't want to let their parents down? Everyone wants to prove to their parents that they are amazing. That's all everyone's ever wanted isn't it? Approval from their parents, to know their parents are proud of them? I don't blame him ether. I mean that's I would want. If my parents were still here I would want that. I would love to here my parents say their proud of me but I cant, so no I don't blame him."

"Love, Harry's dad isn't the best person in the world. He use to be better. He use to be a great father and husband but when me and Gemma walked out he started going worst. And yes Harry thrives for approvals everywhere he goes. All his ever wanted as a kid is to be approved off and for someone to be proud of him. But sometimes he doesn't realise that me and Gemma are so proud of him for growing up the man he is. He just wants his father's approval, because he never got it as a kid."

"Des tied him up on a chair to start with, when I first got to the warehouse. Who does that to their own son? What son would want approval from their father who does that to them?"

"No my baby" Anne cried with tears coming in her eyes.

"His okay, I made sure of that" I explained and she relaxed a bit.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through all that. You don't deserve that" She said and I smiled weakly and nodded.

"Maybe I do but I don't mind. I've been through worst." I shrugged.

"Why did you come here if you don't mind me asking?" Anne asked

"I don't know. I guess I'm tired of everyone lying to me and I knew you wouldn't. You're the only person who has been truthful to me and I just answers. I'm just so tired." I whispered the end part as Anne pulled me into her arms.

Gone - Harry Styles [AU]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora