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Do you ever have the urge to tell someone to shut up even when they arent even talking?



It was 7 in the morning at i was sitting in the cafe reading my book, The Great Gatsby. I was already half way through it and Harry was right. It was such a good book, no wonder his read it more than once.

"Never known you too be here so early, Rose" Johnny said coming over to my table with my usual.

"I just wanted to get out the house, you know me, cant be trapped inside" I smiled and thanked him for my drink.

"You hungry? I can cook you up something?"

"Ummm, a crossiant would be nice"

"Coming up, and its on the house so dont worry"

"Aww are you sure?"

"Yep" He said popping the 'p' before walking off to the kitchen.

Johnny came back over with my crossiant a couple minutes later, before getting back to work. I put my book down, folding the page that i was on and started eating the crossiant Johnny made me by scratch, like all his food. He likes making everything by scratch and not store brought because he thinks it taste better which i would have to agree with.

"Enjoying the book?" I heard a males voice say. I looked up and saw Harry standing there holding the book from yesterday in his hand.

"Yea, you were right its a amazing book" I smiled up at him as he smiled back.

"Mind if i join?" He asked as he took off his sunglasses.

"No go ahead" I said while i finished eating my crossiant.

"So do you come here often?" Harry asked as he order himself a drink

"Ermm, yea you could say that" I said pushing my plate that i was now finished with away.

"Enjoying your book?" I asked putting the conversation on him and not me.

"Yea, it was a good choice" He smiled down at the book before back at me.


I decided to pick up my book and to continue reading until Harry started speaking again.

"So what do you do for fun?"

"Excuse me?" I asked putting my book down.

"Like do you just sit here and read for fun or do you do other stuff?"

"Why do you wanna know?"

"I dont know, to get to know you?" He said almost like a question

"We met yesterday?" I said confused

"So? Can i not get to know the girl i met yesterday?" He asked with raised eyebrows.

"No" I said bluntly before getting my book and standing up.

"Where are you going?" He asked standing up as well

"Work" I said before leaving to the book store.

Why did he wanna get to know me? He met me yesterday? Yea i let him sit down with me but doesnt mean i wanna get to know him. I was just being polite. No ones ever wanted to get to know before, so why all of a sudden does Harry want to?

The meeting we had yesterday came to my mind.

"If you met anyone you tell us and we will do a background check on them"

Maybe I should've told Dave about Harry. I dont know. I only didnt because Harry looks like such an innocent person. He didnt need people to be doing background checks on him. Plus i dont even know his last name, so we wouldnt be able to do the background check anyway.

"Doesnt he have a son?"

Joes voice came into my head. Des has a son. We dont know what he looks like or his name. How is that possible? How can you keep someone hidden from the world? I know not many people know Des and about the gangs but still. If we dont know what he looks like or his name. Surely no one else does?

I doubt Harry is Des' son anyway. I mean he would of done something to hurt me, thats if he knew who i was. Or he would of said something about gangs which Harry hasnt. I doubt Harry has any idea about the gangs that go on around here.

"Hello Rose" Maragret said as i walked up to the counter

"Hey Maragret. Want me to do the cashier today?" I asked and she nodded

"That would be wonderful dear" She said and walked off to do something else.

I leaned against the counter and getting my book out again. I needed to get my mind off of things. Reading would do that amazingly.


I stood confused in the middle of the cafe. Why did she just snap like that? We were having a nice conversation but when i asked one thing about her she snapped. We had a good time yesterday, well i thought we did. But today, its like shes a whole other person.

I know Des said it would take some time and that she doesnt like letting poeple in but i never thought it would be like this. All alright one minute and 180 degree turn the next.

But i saw it. I saw how when i asked her about herself she closed herself off. She has walls built so high i dont know if i will be able to break them, especially in a short time. I doubt Des would want this to carry out for months. He would want it to happen tomorrow if it could but we all know thats not going to happen. If this carries on for months and i get nothing Des is just going to find another way to destroy them. I have to make this work. Maybe tomorrow. Yea i will let her cool off today and i will come her tomorrow before her.

I picked up my book and got in my black range rover which was parked down the road and drove off back to the house.


"Well you werent gone that long?" Des said as i walked into the livingroom where he was sitting.

"She snapped at me and i thought i would let her cool off" I shrugged

"Harry, We need this to be done soon. We cant wait forever" Des said getting frustrated, i knew he would.

"Dont you think i know that! You tell me every 5 minutes you have to tell me that! Look I'll get it done but im going to talk to her tomorrow not now!" I said frustrated and went off to the games room where i knew the boys would be.

"Whats up with you grumpy face?" Louis said looking at me before going back to the fifa game he was playing with Niall.

"Des is annoying me about this whole mission thing" I groaned as i sat down next to Zayn and Liam who were on the sofa behind Louis and Niall, who were on the floor.

"Just give it time, im sure everything will be fine in the end" Zayn said as he looked up from a piece of paper he had in his hands. I only just realised he was drawing.

"Why arent you with her now anyway?" Liam asked

"Because she snapped at me for asking a question and she walked off"


"So i thought i'd leave her until tomorrow"

"Well if you stop being grumpy you can play fifa with us" Niall said









Gone - Harry Styles [AU]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum