I Watch the World

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I Watch the World

I listen to the world as it goes

The crying child

The soft song a mother sings

The singing of the wind in the trees

This is how the world sounds

I feel the world as I walk

The gentle waves

The silky sand beneath my feet

The wind caressing my cheeks

That is how the world feels

I taste the world with every word

A small sound

A sweet phrase passing your lips

A sour shout on the noisy street

That is how the world tastes

I smell the world as it flies

A simmering soup

The smell of grass after a storm

The smell of the earth in a garden

That is how the world smells

I watch the world as it races by

Animals on a field

The field of flowers standing still

Snow falling to the ground

Children clinging to their mothers

People running by

I watch the world

I watch the people

The people that make up the world





Only people have souls

I watch the souls of the word

Each influencing the other





Only souls can destroy

I follow souls

I watch souls destroying

I catch souls hurting

I eat souls

I stop souls

I am a destroyer of souls

A crusher of dreams

A savior of the world

But just because I’m a destroyer

Does it make me any worse than others?

Can I not be

A destroyer who can save people?

A destroyer who can save the world?

I watch the world

I watch the world’s people

I watch the world’s people’s souls

I watch the souls crumble before me

I watch their cities go up in flame

I listen to forgiveness:

The sound of screaming, and then silence

I listen to the silence

I watch the now peaceful world

Waiting for the next beautiful moment

For the next souls

For the next time souls return

Be they in human or another form

I will be watching them

The souls

The world

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