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August 10, 2012

"Wait. So let me get this straight? Luke Kuechly kissed you and you just walked away? What the hell is wrong with you?" Nicole asked astounded at her sister.

"I don't know. I don't need a boyfriend to be happy, you know that," Ellen said crossing her arms over her chest.

"Why can't you just give him a chance?" Nicole said angrily.

"Why do you care so much?" Ellen said stomping off to her room.

"One day you are going on regrets this!" Nicole shouted after her.

"Maybe I already do," Ellen said quietly so Nicole wouldn't here. There was a knock on her first floor window. Ellen rolled her eyes because she figured who it was. She went to her window. "Luke, this is so cliché," she said as she pulled her curtain away from the window to reveal Luke.

"Can I come in?" Luke whispered. Ellen hesitated. "Please," Luke pleaded.

"Fine," Ellen said moving away from the window to let the curly haired man in. "Talk quietly," Ellen instructed.

"Why do you hate me?" Luke asked. Ellen was taken back by how he got right to the point. Ellen contemplated telling him the truth, but then again she didn't know how she felt.

"Luke, I don't hate you," Ellen said sympathetically.

"Then why did you leave?" Luke asked quickly.

"I don't know. A relationship isn't what I am looking for right now. I'm still in college, that's my priority. Not cheering on my boyfriend every Sunday," Ellen said.

"Just one date. That's all I'm asking for," Luke said crossing his arms. Even though he just played a game, he looked surprisingly put together.

"I don't know," Ellen said. Her and Luke were almost face to face.

"One. Date," Luke repeated inching closer to her face. Ellen looked down contemplating his offer. When she looked back up his deep brown eyes made her knees weak. Why did she keep denying her feelings for him that were clearly there. Luke felt it too, it was like magnetism, they were drawn to each other whether they both liked it or not.

"One date. But that's it," Ellen finally gave in.

"What are you doing tomorrow night?" Luke asked.

"Nothing," Ellen answered.

"I'll pick you up at seven," Luke said. He climbed back out the window and left. Ellen went to bed with a smile on her face, even though she was still unsure about what she just agreed to.

Ellen continued her normal routine at work the next day. Serving coffee. Wiping tables. Sweeping the floor. Finally her shift ended at The Bean and she was off to get ready for her date. Part of her was excited but she wouldn't tell anyone. Something about Luke intrigued her. The way he crinkled his eyebrows together? The way he wanted her? He was a mystery to her.

Ellen straightened her shoulder length hair and did light eye makeup. She threw on a pair of patterned high waisted shorts with a black tank top and a pair of white wedges. "How do I look?" Ellen said strutting into the living room to get Nicole's opinion.

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