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June 8th, 2013

Ellen stood in the closet of her bedroom. Her pink luggage lay on her queen size bed with nothing in it yet. She was supposed to be at Luke's apartment in 45 minutes, but still had nothing packed.

Her phone lit up with a picture of her and Luke from her graduation, signaling that he was calling her. She answered the call and put it on speaker. "What are you doing?" Luke's husky voice said.

"I'm trying to pack, what are you doing?" Ellen answered. She held her phone close to her lips in one hand and the other rested on her hip and her knee was popped out.

"You didn't pack yet?" Luke asked in a surprised tone. His voice got higher in shock. Ellen imagined he packed a week ago. He had no idea how big of a procrastinator she was.

"Relax, I'm almost done," Ellen lied confidently into the phone. "Anyways, what are you doing?" She asked again trying to change the subject.

"I'm waiting for you to get here so our vacation can begin," Luke said coolly. Ellen assumed he was just laying on his bed lazily or something like that watching time pass by until she got there.

For her graduation present, Luke surprised her with a two week vacation in the Bahamas. His family would be there and Ellen was going to meet them for the first time. She had never met her boyfriends parents before and she began sweating just thinking about it.

"Okay, I'm going to finish packing and I will see you in a little bit. I love you," Ellen said. She couldn't believe how easily those words rolled off her tongue now. Before, she practically had to force herself to say them and now it was just like saying hello.

"I'll see you soon. I love you too," Luke said before the phones clicked off. Ellen looked at the time realizing she only had a half an hour now. She knew Luke would be mad if she was late. She began rummaging through her closet grabbing every swimsuit, pair of shorts, tank top, and tshirt she could find. She threw a few pairs of flip flops into her bag. She grabbed her makeup, which was minimal compared to other girls. Ellen grabbed her essentials. Somehow her recently empty bag ended up being so full it was hard to close. After giving her much grief, the bag finally shut. She checked her watch. Ten minutes left and a 20 minute drive. Shit, she thought.

"Bye Nic, I love you, I gotta go, see you in two weeks," Ellen said rolling her suitcase through the apartment. She shut the door before Nicole could answer her.

Ellen threw her suitcase in the backseat of her Nissan Altima. As she put the car in drive she began reflecting. Things with Luke had been good lately. Like really good. They still hadn't had a fight since the night she came back. And her nerves about meeting his family quickly faded and turned into excitement. She couldn't wait to spend two weeks with Luke. Two nonstop weeks with him. Things were almost too good to be true.

Her phone began ringing and she fished for it out of her purse sitting in the passenger seat next to her. She assumed it was Luke asking her where she was so she thought she better give him her ETA. She got a hold of it but dropped it on the floor of the car. She took her eyes off the road to quickly retrieve the phone before the call went to voicemail. She grabbed the phone as the car began swerving into the other lane. She looked up right as a large truck hit her she lurched forward and hit her head on the dash. Glass was everywhere. Blood was everywhere. Everything went black. Silent. Still.

A bit of a cliffhanger. 😁 If you want to see Luke's reaction make sure you vote and comment. Usual goal of 20 votes, 4 comments. Also follow if you haven't already.

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