Chapter 50: Buns Will Fly

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"My parents want to meet you."

"They do?" Amarissa asked, raising her eyebrows. She knew there would come a day when she would meet the infamous Elise and Jerry Jackson, adopters of Deandre and Lai Jackson, but the whole thing had slipped her mind.

"How about this Saturday? You could have dinner at my place," Deandre suggested.

"Saturday isn't good," Amarissa said sheepishly, remembering the appointment for Amitola's abortion. She had to be there with her.

"How about Friday night?" Deandre proposed.

"Not good either. I have an art show at my school," Amarissa answered.

"Will your art be there?" Deandre asked.

"Yep. Which is why –"

"I'll go with you," Deandre interrupted. "I want to see more of your artwork."

"Okay. But when can I meet –"

"How about I bring them with me?" Deandre cut in yet again.

"Lai could come too. Then it would be killing two birds with one stone."

"Killing? Isn't that a little too violent?" Amarissa frowned. "I always say feeding two birds with one crumb because at least there's no animal cruelty."

Deandre just stared at her. "Seriously? First you change history, and now you change a proverb? You are such a hipster, Amarissa."

"Me? A hipster?" Amarissa laughed.

"Yeah, cause you're different. You don't flow in the mainstream," Deandre continued.

"Well, I've never liked the mainstream," Amarissa shrugged. "But I'm no hipster. I don't even look like one."

"Then you're a hipster among hipsters," Deandre said wittily.

"Well, I think that's a great idea."

"What? Being a hipster?"

"No, you bringing your parents to the show. I'd love to meet them," Amarissa answered seriously.

Deandre beamed at her. "They will love you."

Amarissa flipped her hair over her shoulder, saying smugly, "Of course they will. I'm lovable."

Deandre rolled his eyes, but he couldn't help smiling. "You sure are."

Now it was Amarissa's turn to smile helplessly.


"Yes!" Amarissa punched the air in triumph.

"What?" Garrett leaned precariously towards her desk on his chair, glancing at her marks for the history profile assignment. "You got a bloody A again, didn't you?"

Amarissa beamed. "That's right. And you got a bloody D, didn't you?"

Garrett swung back to his desk, crumpling up his history paper in the process. "Yep."

"Did you hear that, guys? Garrett got the D!" Blair hollered from behind Amarissa, earning a disapproving look from Ms. Carter.

"Quiet!" she scolded.

"Good one," Amarissa held her hand up for a high-five, which Blair smacked with brutal force that almost sent Amarissa falling out of her seat.

When Amarissa stabled herself, Collie whispered from beside her, "Since when are you BFFs with Blair?"

Amarissa shrugged. Since Tamsin started dating Tyler, she had suddenly began making new friends she had never considered before. She had never thought she would be friends with Collie, who used to be nicknamed, "Crazy Collie" for obvious reasons (she was a little insane, but in the good way).

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