Chapter 53: Disappointed Relief

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Amitola still hadn't told Kahana about the baby. She knew if she did, it would break his heart. Especially if she said she had been thinking of him while they did it, since that dream had made her so desperate in her desires, blinding all her other senses. Kahana would never look at her the same again.

Amitola got a call that Friday night from an unknown number on the landline. Daniel handed it to her with a smirk, and Amitola accepted the phone with twitchy fingers. Who could it be?


"Amitola, it's me. Kahana."

The relief was like a tidal wave. "I thought you were someone else."

"Disappointed?" Kahana teased. "I was sure I would get a better response from you, but I guess I'll hang up –"

"No!" Amitola yelled, startling Daniel, who sat in the armchair, eating his chips noisily. Amitola decided it was best she went to her bedroom, but when she passed Daniel's room, she couldn't help peeking in. The lucky man had a balcony all to himself. Since he was busy watching his favorite show in the lounge, Amitola slipped in and opened the glass door, shivering in the cold.

"I am glad it's you," Amitola continued, calmer this time.

She could practically hear Kahana smiling. "Well, I'm glad you're glad. Cause I missed you. A lot."

"It's only been, like, three days," Amitola said, standing at the railing and gazing at the dark sky. There were no stars to be seen, which was contrary to the island, where she could see every star in existence.

"Three days too long," Kahana complained. "I would've called sooner, but your friend was busy, so it was hard to reach her to get your number. So how are you?"

"Honestly?" Amitola paused, knowing that if she gave the real answer, Kahana would just be even more worried about her, so she lied. "I feel fantastic. Especially now, hearing your voice."

Kahana laughed. Oh, how she missed that laugh. "Then we both feel the same way. Your voice sounds different on the phone, but in a good way."

"Where are you now?" Amitola asked suddenly as she trailed her finger along the cold metal railing, picking up raindrops that had fallen less than an hour ago.

"I'm in my apartment, which I share with the band. We live in the lower east side," Kahana told her. "Nothing too fancy. We get by everyday on the money we make from our gigs at clubs and squares."

"So that's what you're doing with your life," Amitola was impressed that Kahana had already figured it all out on his own. He had a passion, he pursued it, and he benefited from it. suddenly, Amitola envied Kahana's life.

"I wish I could do that. Just drop everything and do what I want," Amitola sighed wistfully.

"I thought that's what you did," Kahana sounded confused. "Isn't that why you're in New York? Because you've left everything behind?"

"I wish it felt that way," Amitola mumbled. Little did Kahana know her problems had literally followed her all this time, inside her. Not to mention Keon's unexpected visit. He had kept his word, coming every day to their apartment. And with every visit, he and Daniel would play on the Xbox and order Amitola around to fetch them food and drinks. Whenever he left, he would say the same thing: I'll be back. Except tonight he hadn't come yet. Hopefully he had finally given up and left.

"Want to tell me about it?' Kahana questioned.

"I'd rather not. Instead, can you tell me about you? I'd like to now in detail what happened after you left the island,' Amitola changed the subject to him, because at that moment, she wanted to forget about her life and instead focus on Kahana's.

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