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Leila watched in dismay as her best friend since diapers packed up her stuff into a brown moving box one by one. Leila had dreaded this day coming but unfortunately, it was here.

"Can't you stay another week?" Harmony turned swiftly to face her best friend and gave her the 'yeah right' look.

"Leila, we've been roommates forever-"

"Exactly why you shouldn't leave," Leila said interrupting

"-Which is why I need to leave. Joseph and I have talked about moving in together for the last year and it's time," Harmony said giving her friend a hug.

"But I knew you first," Leila complained earning a laugh from Harmony.

"Yes and you'll always be my best friend."

"I better be. Besides, I shouldn't be complaining, you're engaged!" Leila said reminding her best friend of the lifelong commitment she had decided to make. She was getting married!

"I know right! I'm so excited!" Harmony said and Leila grinned half-heartedly. She was excited for her best friend and only wished her the best but couldn't help but think about her non-existent love life. The last time she had been on a date she had just gotten into Hamilton University. But that had been two years ago and now she was 20, unattached and craving a relationship of her own.

"So when is Joseph supposed to be here?"

"In a few minutes. Can you grab me another box in the meantime? There's one in the living room."

"Sure." Leila headed to the living room and grabbed her best friend another moving box before the front door swung open and in walked Joseph. Leila had to admit, her friend sure knew how to pick 'em. Standing at 6'4, Joseph took the trophy when it came to sexy. Joseph, who was often confused for Odell Beckham Jr with his light skin complexion and gorgeous smile, not only was a sweetheart but a well-built football player.

"What's up little sis?" Joseph greeted with a grin and Leila glared. "What did I do now?"

"You're stealing my best friend and roommate from me."

"You're still mad about that? And I already told you I have the perfect roommate for you."

"Of course I am, and I am not rooming with one of your football teammates."

"Why not? Devin is a cool guy."

"Then you room with him," Leila said throwing the box at him and as expected, he caught it effortlessly. Chuckling, Joseph dropped the box before pulling her in for a hug, suffocating her with his odor courtesy of football practice.

"Ew! Why didn't you shower before you came over here?" Leila complained.

"Will you leave my fiancee alone?" Harmony teased as she entered the room, giving Joseph a peck on the lips before scrunching up her nose in disgust. "Damn baby, maybe you should go take a quick shower."

"Only if you'll join me," he replied with a wink and Harmony bit her lip to prevent herself from laughing.

"Not this time baby. I need to finish packing."

"Make Leila do it."

"Hey!" Leila protested and Joseph shrugged.

"Come on babe, you know you have that special touch."

"Fine," Harmony agreed earning a smile from Joseph. "I'll meet you in the shower, now go." She muttered swatting him on his ass before he rushed out of the room. Once she was sure he was gone, Harmony laughed.

"That boy is going to be waiting a long time," before Leila could utter a warning, Joseph ran back into the room, throwing Harmony over his shoulder and heading back to the back room.

"Joseph! Put me down," Harmony yelled through a fit of giggles before he smacked her ass shutting her up. Leila smiled sadly before focusing her attention on packing. She didn't need a man, she reminded herself. She had way too much on her plate to get into a relationship. Harmony's laughter cut off her thoughts before Leila sighed. But she damn sure wanted one.

Leila had almost finished packing Harmony's things when someone knocked on the door impatiently.

"I'm coming, damn!" Leila yelled dropping the tape and swinging open the door to come face to face with the finest man she had ever seen. He was easily 6'3 with a short afro cut hairstyle and gorgeous hazel eyes. His sexy muscular caramel skin was covered with ink as he wore a simple red tee that read 'College Life' and gray sweatpants that left nothing to the imagination.

"Are you Leila Harter?"

"Uh, yeah. That's me." Leila asked still in a daze from hearing his deep sexy voice.

"Great," stepping past her, he entered her house and looked around mumbling things under his breath. Finally snapping out of her daze, Leila looked at this fine specimen of man like he was crazy. Who the hell did he think he was just walking into her house?

"Can I help you?"

"Yeah. Grab me a sandwich from the kitchen, will you. I'm starving, thanks," he replied shooting her a grin before going back to studying her apartment.

"Excuse me?"

"What? You need me to repeat it or something?"

"Look, I don't know who the hell you think you are and I don't give a damn. Get the hell out of my house."

"Actually as of today around one, this became our place."

"Excuse me?" Leila asked, one minute away from cursing him out. She didn't care how fine he was. He was clearly delusional. Before he could say anything else, Joseph opened the bedroom door, fully clothed with a towel wrapped around his neck before he rushed up to Mr. Unknown and dapped him up.

"I see you two have met."

"You know him?"

"Yeah, this is my boy Devin, your new roommate."

"Say what now?" Leila asked and Joseph shrugged before Harmony entered the living room, her hair a mess but grinning wildly.

"You must be Devin," Harmony said with a smile before they shook hands. "I'm Harmony."

"So you're the famous Harmony, I've heard a lot about you," he said and Harmony blushed as Joseph wrapped an arm around her waist.

"All good things I hope."


"Hello," Leila interrupted throwing her hands up dramatically. "Can we go back to the problem at hand? I am not sharing my apartment with him."

"Look, I wasn't planning on sharing my place with you either but I'm pretty sure this arrangement can work in both of our benefits," Devin interrupted as he gave her body a nod of approval.

"And how is that?" Leila asked trying to focus on what he was saying and not how kissable his lips looked or how every time he licked them it made her knees weak.

"Between football, my classes and my job I probably won't be around here very often and when I'm here I'll probably be in my room studying," he explained before all eyes were locked on Leila. Leila thought to herself of how much she was normally out of the house and debated whether or not she would be able to share an apartment with this much sexiness.

"And between dance, my classes, and my job I guess you won't see much of me either."

"So do we have an agreement?" He asked sticking out his hand towards her and Leila reluctantly shook his hand feeling a shock go through her as they connected. What had she gotten herself into?

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