Chapter 15

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Depending on if I can finish it or not, Love and Blackmail chapter will be up today or I'll just wait till Christmas and post it all one time. What do you guys want? Today-One or Sunday-All. Let me know. Until then, Enjoy.

Leila's POV

"I think your mistaken, Mrs. Evans didn't and has never had cancer, her surgery was to get her appendix taken out. I don't know who told you otherwise but they seem to be mistaken. Mrs. Evans is perfectly healthy," the doctor said and I froze in shock. 

"Thanks, when can we go see her?" Devin asked rubbing my shoulders in support. 

"Well, she's awake now so you can go see her whenever you're ready," he said before walking away leaving me to my thoughts.

"Talk to me Leila," Devin said turning me so we were face to face but the news had just begun to set in. Emmanuel had played me. He played me. 

"He fucking lied to me. He said his mom had cancer, Devin. Cancer! Do you know how serious that is? How could he do something like that?" I mumbled as Devin held me close. 

"He's a fucking idiot. But look on the bright side, now you can spend as much time with her as you need and he won't be interrupting us anymore. It'll just be me and you." Lifting my chin with his finger, we locked gazes before he licked his lips and looked away.

"Come on, I know you want to see her."

"What if she was in on it too Devin?" I asked suddenly. She was like a mother to me, she would never. Would she? 

"Leila based on what you told me she doesn't seem like the type of woman to do something like that."

"Your right, let's go," I announced finally before heading to her hospital room with Devin following behind me. It didn't take long to reach the door and immediately after I knocked she yelled to come in. She was laying on the bed flipping through the channels with a bowl of fruit sitting in front of her looking untouched, 

"Hey ma, can I ask you a question?" I asked deciding not to beat around the bush. I needed to know. 

"Yeah, go ahead," she said shutting off the TV before giving me her full attention.

"What did you do your surgery for?"

"To get my appendix out which is why I don't understand why you were babying me like I was dying."

"So you had no idea that Emmanuel told me you were dying from cancer?" I asked and her eyes widened in surprise.

"Cancer? What the hell is wrong with that boy, he knew better than everyone I was getting my appendix taken out, he's the one who was taking me to my appointments. Why would he do something like that?"

"So I would spend more time with him," I muttered under my breath before taking a deep breath. "Mommy there's something I need to tell you, Emmanuel and I--"

"Aren't dating?" She finished and my mouth dropped open.

"How'd you know?" I asked shocked.

"I've seen cats and dogs show more love to each other than the two of you did. I may be getting old but I'm not getting stupid besides you were to caught up on that roommate of yours, whom I presume to be the man behind you, to have feelings for my son. Now can I have my proper introductions." She said glancing at Devin and shooting him a wink.

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Evans, I'm Devin, Leila's boyfriend," he said shaking her hand and she raised her eyebrow smiling. 

"This one has manners, I like. And he's cute, good catch Leila," she said with a wink before turning her attention back to Devin. "And if you're dating my daughter then call me Taylor or ma. Now, what are your intentions with my daughter?"

"I want to make her as happy as I possibly can," Devin answered glancing over at me and I couldn't help my smile. This man was too perfect. 

"I like the sound of that. Now, what do you plan on doing once you graduate?"

"Well after my internship last summer with Elite Physiotherapy, they secured me a job with their company so once I graduate I'll work with them for a few years before opening my own clinic."

"Ambitious, I like it. And do you have a good relationship with your mother?"

"Yes ma'am, you can call her to confirm if you want," Devin said making her smile.

 "I like you. You have my approval but if you break my babies heart, I will kill you, understand?"

"Yes ma'am," Devin replied before she yawned tiredly. 

"We should get going but I'll come visit you tomorrow, okay?"

"Sounds good and bring the cutie with you," she said with a wink before closing her eyes. Silently we exited the room before I pulled Devin's body onto mine and into a kiss. His arms wrapped around my waist as our lips fought for dominance. I moaned lightly against his lips enjoying the feel of his body pressed up against mine before he pulled away.

"Not that I didn't enjoy that but what was that for?"

"A thank you, for being here and supporting me. I really appreciate it."

"Anytime," Devin replied before we headed to the exit. We were almost there when someone entered and I felt my anger grow. Emmanuel. 

"You're leaving so soon?" Emmanuel asked and I gripped Devins hand to try and calm my anger.

"Yeah, Devin and I have plans."

"So that's how you treat family Leila, my moms in there fighting for her life and you leave to be with some nigga. I see where your priorities are," he said rolling his eyes ad before I could react, Devin's fist connected with his face before he began pummeling him. I stood there frozen not even thinking of stopping him until I heard someone yell about calling the police.

"Devin stop!" I yelled finally and Devin pulled away, taking a few steps back.

"Fuck! I think you broke my nose."

"Then it's a good thing you're already at the hospital. If you ever so much as call my girl again, I'll kill you and I'm not joking," he said before making eye contact with me, his gaze softening from death glares he just had. "You okay?"

"I'm perfect."

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