Part 9: Shopping Trip

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Sunday 10:00 pm
Death Total: 17

"So he is really gone?" Ricky sighed as he clutched the dog tag. Connor nodded. Trevor sighed as he whipped a tear from his eye.
"It's okay Trevor you can cry. We all miss him. We miss everyone." Jack said gently. Trevor glared at Jack.
"Crying is not gonna bring back anyone. Their gone!" Trevor yelled. "Nash is gone! Cam is gone! Jc is gone! Hayes is gone! Sam is gone! Their not coming back they are dead!" Trevor yelled. Connor glared at Trevor.
"Trevor get out of here." Jack hissed. Trevor glared at him. Jack swallowed the lump in his throat. He knew Jack was right. It wasn't his fault.
"What about our parents?" Trevor asked quietly breaking the silence. Ricky looked up at Trevor.
"We will find them." Ricky said. Trevor nodded. He knew deep down they probably wouldn't.
"Where is Kian?" Connor asked. Ricky shrugged. They hadn't seen Kian for a while. Ricky stood up from his seat on the bed.
"I'm gonna go find Kian. Make sure he us okay." Ricky sighed walking out of the room. Ricky had a feeling Kian wasn't okay. More than the others. Kian lost his best friend Jc Caylen and his friends Nash and Hayes and Cam. Ricky slowly crept up to Kians room. He peaked through the crack in Kians door. Kian wasn't in there. Ricky walked into the room. The window was open. Ricky knew where Kian was. Kian was on the roof. Ricky climbed out the window and onto the roof. He could see a faint black outline of someone.
"Kian?" Ricky called. Kian perked his head up.
"Can I sit with you?" Ricky asked sitting next to his friend.
"Jc wouldn't want you to be sad." Ricky sighed. Kian shook his head.
"It's not that." Kian said. Ricky looked up.
"Then what?" Ricky asked. Kian let out a deep sigh.
"I watched him." Kian sighed. "I watched him kill them." Kian said. Ricky looked up at Kian.
"And the worse thing was I was happy." Kian said. Ricky clenched his fist.
"You were happy?" Ricky asked slowly. Kian nodded.
"I wanted them yo die." Kian laughed. Ricky glared at Kian.
"You wanted your best friend to die?" Ricky asked. Kian shrugged.
"It's better that way." Kian sighed. Ricky looked to Kian then back out at the night sky. Ricky let out a deep sigh.
"I'll see you later." Ricky said leaving Kian alone on the roof.

Monday 9:00 am
Death Total: 17

Lohanthony rummaged through the cupboards in the kitchen. Connor Franta looked up from his book and frowned at him.
"You're making a mess Anthony." Connor grumbled. Anthony rolled his eyes.
"You got no food." Anthony said looking to Connor. Connor sighed and looked back at his book.
"Look harder." Connor mumbled. Anthony opened and closed the cuboards one by one.
"Still no food." Anthony sang. Connor slammed his book shut.
"Go get some then!" Connor groaned. "There's a gas station up the street go there. Take the car." Connor said. Anthony crossed his arms.
"Number one Franta I can't drive and number two I will get eaten!" Anthony sassed. Connor rolled his eyes.
"Take others with you." Connor said. Connor began to make a list of things they needed. First aid kit, water bottles, matches, canned goods, weapons, non-perishable goods, ect.
Anthony looked at the list.
"Mainly just get anything you think you would need." Connor said. Anthony nodded. Anthony gathered up a few others to go along with him. Swoozie would drive. Jack and Trevor decided to go. They were tired of being in the house.
"Here." Connor said handing Swoozie a cell phone. Swoozie raised his eyebrow.
"It works I tried it the signals not gone yet." Connor said. Swoozie nodded and shoved the phone into his pocket. The four hopped into the car.

Monday 11:00 am
Death Total 17

"He's gone." Beau sighed. Jai bit his lip. Luke glared at Beau.
"No he is not!" Luke yelled. Beau frowned at his brother.
"James is dead Luke."

Monday 1: 00 pm
Death Total 18

Lohanthony peaked out the window.
"That's the most ghetto ass Walgreens I've ever seen in my life!" Lohanthony hissed. Jack rolled his eyes.
"He has quite a mouth on him!" Swoozie laughed. Jack smirked.
"Oh you don't even know..." Jack laughed. The front door to Walgreens was locked so they drove to the back. The back door was open. They all searched the Walgreens for any zombies. It was clear. The Walgreens wasn't that big and the light from outside shinned in through the Windows so they could see. The four split up. Jack went to find medical supplise and Swoozie went to look for anything they could use as weapons. Lohanthony and Trevor went and gathered food. They gathered everything pretty easily. They found many canned goods like corn and chicken broff. Swoozie found several good weapons like an axe and a shovel and hammers. Jack found lots of first aid supplies. They didn't take everything though incase others needed it. The four carried their supplies to the back door.
"Trevor pop the trunk." Swoozie said tossing Trevor the keys. Trevor popped the trunk. They began to load the boxes in.
"I'll put the cart back!" Trevor announced. Trevor pushed the shopping cart back into Walgreens.
"What the fuck!" Trevor screamed. His scream was followed by a loud crash from the shopping cart. Swoozie, Jack, and Lohanthony ran to back door peeking in. A zombie in a Walgreens uniform was already devouring Trevor. Swoozie yanked Jack and Anthony back.
"We got to go now." Swoozie instructed. Lohanthony glared at Swoozie.
"Don't you care he died?" Anthony screamed. Jack wacked Anthony.
"Shut the fuck up Anthony." Jack hissed. Anthony clenched his teeth together. Jack yanked Anthony into the car. Swoozie quickly started the car. As they pulled out of the Walgreens they saw a green minivan.
"Wait stop!" Jack yelled..Swoozie slammed on the breaks.
"What?"Swoozie asked. Jack unbuckeled his seatbelt and stuck his head out the window.
"Jenn?" He yelled.

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