Part 15: Trapped

52 3 6

Sunday 11:00 pm
Death Total : 23

Luke and Anthony were gone. There were only a few left. Swoozie, Beau, Casper, Joe, Jai, Ricky, Twaimz, Connor, and Kian. But both Ricky and Kian were injured. They still had not figured out who had hurt Ricky. Swoozie had an idea. Luke died. He could pin this on Luke. Swoozie began to plot out his plan. Meanwhile Joe Sugg, Casper Lee, and Connor Franta were all discussing how they werr found by the zombies. Kian and Twaimz both fell asleep and Ricky wax reading a book of Connors he found lying around. Jai Brooks had locked himself in the bathroom. He was very upset about his brothers death. He felt so alone. To Luke Jai was his second half.
"Luke open up!" Beau yelled banging on the locked door. Jai ignored him. Jai began to rummage through the cabinets. He found a white bottle. The bottle contained small off white pills. Jai dumped them into his hand and shoved them in his mouth. After about a minute Jai fell to the ground and his heart rate slowly dropped. He just couldn't live in a world without Luke. Deep down he knew his brother would have felt the same. Jai curled up in a ball on the floor. He wanted to die on his own. Not being bitten or stabbed or infected or shot but on his own. It was the easiest way out but Jai felt it was the best. Jai closed his eyes and just like that he was gone. Beau continued to pound on the door. Jai was not making any sound and Beau was scared. Connor walked by noticing Beau was locked out.
"Here." Connor said handing Beau a small screw driver. Beau stuck the screw driver in the key and twisted. The lock clicked and the door swung open. But Beau was too late. Now both Luke and Jai were gone. Beau and Connor stood in the doorway in shock staring at Jais body. Connor and Beau got closer. Jai was gone. But his face was turning greyish instead of a sicky pale. Connor looked to Beau.
"Was he bit?" Connor asked. Beau shook his head and pointed to the once full pill bottle. But something caught Connors eye. A circular mark on Jais forearm. Connor got closer to inspect.
"He was bit!" Connor gasped as he studied the bite. Jais head snapped backwards. Beau jumped back and Connor was held in Jais deadly grip. Beau tried to grab Connor but Jai had him. Beau ran out of the room slamming the door behind him.

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