Part 14: Deadly Games

47 2 3

Sunday 10:00 pm
Death Total: 21

The house was unusually quiet. Everyone was angry and upset. They were upset about Swoozie, and Trevor, and Jack. They were mainly upset about whoever hurt Ricky. Ricky had finally woken up about thirty minutes after he hit his head. He was fine. Ricky could not remember what happened though. But now Ricky was crushed to learn that not one but two of his friends were gone. He only had Kian and Connor left and he didn't want anything to happen to them. The other YouTubers had become friends too over the past couple of days. Casper Lee and Joe Sugg really began to like Swoozie. And shockingly Twaimz and Lohanthony began to get along. The Brooks brothers hung out and kept each other company. But the house was just sad that night. Joe Sugg and Casper sat in the kitchen.
"Let's do something." Joe said. The others looked over to him.
"As in?" Connor Franta asked raising an eyebrow.
"A game." Joe said. Casper clapped his hands together. He had been bored out of his mind all day.
"Oh a game lets play a game!" Casper cheer as he clasped his hands together.
"It's like he is a toddler." Luke Brooks grumbled. Joe ignored Lukes comment.
"We have a vollyball net outside." Connor suggested. Joe grinned.
"Great." Joe cheered. They began to split into two teams randomly. It was Beau, Twaimz, Connor, and Anthony vs Joe, Swoozie, Luke, Jai, and Casper. Kian and Ricky were in charge of keeping score. Ricky threw the ball to Anthony.
"I don't know how to do this shit!" Lohanthony squealed chucking the ball at Connor. Beau rolled his eyes. It was already dusk but the small strings of christmas lights provided enough light to see. The two teams began to wack the ball over the net. They all were happy now and laughing and having a good time. But Kian saw something in the distance. It was a figure behind the fence.
"Shit." Kian mumbled under his breath. It was Jenn. She must have followed Kian home. And Jenn wasn't alone. There were other walkers. Kians heart began to beat faster. Then before he could warn them Luke Brooks let out a ear piercing scream.
"Luke!" Beau screamed as a zombie dove into Lukes arm. Jai ran pulling his brother Beau back.
"They will bite you too!" Jai cried as he could see Luke out of the corner of his eye. He knew Luke was already gone. The others began to run back to the porch.
"We have to go." Swoozie yelled as he rushed back to Kian and Ricky. Joe jiggled the slider door.
"It's locked!" Joe panicked. The herd of zombies was gaining on them. Then Lohanthony saw it. Jenn was the leader of the pack. Anthony widened his eyes.
"Jenn?" Anthony asked weakly. Jenn grabbed a hold of Anthony. Anthony screamed. Beau began to try to pull Anthony back. Jenn dug her teeth into Anthonys side. Anthony screamed and Beau fell backwards.
"Guys come on!" Connor yelled pointing to the gate. Swoozie, Beau, Joe, Casper, Jai, Ricky, Twaimz, and Kian rushed to the gate. Kian lagged behind because of his knee. The other already were in the front.
"Come on Kian!" Swoozie yelled still holding the gate open. Kian tried to hurry but his knee hurt so bad. Swoozie sighed and ran to Kian picking him up. Swoozie rushed out of the back yard to the front where the others were. The front gate was swarmed by zombies also.
"What do we do?" Jai cried. Everyone was panicked. Casper and Joe pushed everyone into the house. Swoozie carried Kian into the house. Connor rushed over to the windows shutting the blinds and double checking the locks. Swoozie set Kian back down on the couch. A tear ran down Jais face as he realized he just losr his twin brother. Beau pulled Jai in tight. Ricky sat down on the other couch and held Jcs dog tag. The room was silent besides the faint sounds from outside. The nine left sat in silence.

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