Chapter 11; First Date

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    {Hey everybody! HAH. Sorry I din't update on Friday. I'm just now on winter break, so I've spent a few days catching up on sleep. But then I got sick and I felt like crap so then I was sleeping A LOT more, but I'm writing now! WOO!
Enjoy xx}

I wake up to the sunlight shining in the room, lighting it up brightly. I turn over to feel an empty space where Chelsea slept. I sit up slowly and rub my eyes. I get out of bed and I instantly smell bacon.

I sniff the air and smile to myself. This woman knows how to please me. (A/N: Y'all don't be nasty lol) I walk down the stairs at a quicker pace, knowing I had delicious food waiting for me.

When I reach the bottom of the stairs, I see Chelsea shifting her wait on one leg, cooking bacon in one pan, and eggs in another. I walk up quietly behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. I lay my head on her shoulder so my face is in her neck.

"Good morning, beautiful." I say quietly.

"Michael." Se whines.

"What? Okay jeez I thought girls liked it when guys did that! You want me to say 'good morning ugly?'" I ask, just joking of course.

Her mouth opens and she smacks my arm playfully.

"No I love it when you say that, but I was hoping you'd sleep longer so this could all be a surprise." She pouts.

"Aw I'm sorry. You want me to go lay back down and pretend I'm asleep?" I chuckle with a sarcastic tone.

She nods her head quickly and I stared at her in disbelief. I glare and then turn around to stomp back up the stairs and lay in bed.

Not long after laying in her bed and just staring at the ceiling, lost in my thoughts, Chelsea walks up with a cute little wooden tray, with a bunch of food. I sit up as she sets it on my lap.

"Surprise!" She yells with pure excitement.

I laugh and look at all the food she must have taken so much time to make. There a large plate with 2 strips of bacon, 2 eggs, 2 pieces of sausage links, and then there was a smaller place with 2 pieces of toast, and then even another plate full of hash browns. Next to these plates there was a bottle f ketchup, a glass of orange juice, and a little tiny vase with a petit flower sitting in it. I chuckle at her cliché set up.

"Thanks, babe. This is really nice." I smile. "But why?"

"I can't make a special breakfast for my friend?" She asks.

My eyebrows furrow. "Friend." I ask with slight anger, but also sadness.

"Well..." She says, looking around the room.

"You want me to actually ask you? Oh my gosh." I laugh. "You're so cute."

I eat my food rather quickly- I'm a fast eater- and I rest my back against the wall.

"Mmm." I hum in satisfaction. "That was really good. Thank you." I smile.

"You're welcome." She says, smiling back.

She walks toward me like she's about to sit down, but before she can, I stand up quickly and hold her arms and stare into her eyes.

"I have an idea." I announce. "Stay here, don't bother getting ready, I'll let you know what's going on in a bit, alright?" I ramble.

I plant a quick and soft kiss on her cheek before I run down stairs and slip my black converse on. I run out to my car and head to my first destination: the mall.

Bloodshot; A Michael Clifford Fanfic {5SOS} (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now