Everything comes with a price

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I sat down at the back of the quiet library finishing my ancient ruins homework when Scorpius came sprinting over to me looking like he was about to cry. "Scorpius?" I said looking at his face, "Lexi...broke...up...me." He looked upset, so I quickly put my belongings into my bag and I took Scorpius carefully to the room of requirement.

"What happened?" I said after he sat down on the large red sofa. "Well, I...um...you know Lexi?" I nodded, "well...we have been dating for about six months and she has decided to break up with me because apparently she found another guy who is much better than me." He placed his head in his hands, I rubbed his back feeling sorry for him. Scorpius looked at me, "you remember third year when you dyed my hair pink for two months." I burst out laughing and nodded my head, "well I said that you would pay for it." I suddenly stopped laughing and looked at him seriously, "and your point is?" Scorpius sat up smiling smugly, "well, I came up with a way to way to get back Lexi." He winked at me, "what do you mean??? How am I going to hel...NO!" I looked at him, "why not?" He looked at me, "because it would just be extremely weird and awkward." He moved next to me, "please do this for me...fine, I will pay you?" I looked at him instantly, "I am not being paid to pretend to be your girlfriend." Scorpius looked at me pleading, "please Rose, I can make Lexi jealous and then she will want to go back out with me." I shook my head, "no, that is the most stupidest idea I have ever heard." Scorpius looked disappointed, "lets do it." He looked at me, "really?" He asked smiling, "NO!" I looked at him annoyed, "but Rose, you owe me and I will give you fifty sickles." I thought about it, after all I wouldn't want Scorpius looking sad and upset, "FIFTY SICKLES?" I looked at him, "um...five galleons?" I thought about it, "ten galleons." He held out his hand, "done." I shook it, "okay, what do we do?" Scorpius looked at me, "well we have to act like a couple and then Lexi will get jealous and believe that she misses me and we can get back together." I looked at him smiling honestly believing that it was the most stupidest idea ever, "that is the most stupidest thing ever." He sighed, "I know, I guess you don't want to do it then." I took my hand placed on his chin and turned his head to me, "no I am doing it, even though its stupid, but you only live once right and maybe it will be fun." He smiled and leaned in, "one rule." He stopped and nodded, "no kissing." He took his head away and blushed, "so I best get going, see you later girlfriend." He stood up, I grabbed his arm, "oh hell no, if we are going to be a fake couple I wanna do this right." He nodded and went down on one knee, "Rose Jean Weasley will you be my fake girlfriend." I started laughing and looked at him, "yes, Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy, I will accept." He hugged me, "thanks Rose, you are the best." He said starting to leave, "don't worry, I am always there." I grabbed my things, "for you." I walked out of the room of requirement and into the Gryffindor common room.

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