The Truth

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I woke up the next morning and quickly got changed and went downstairs to the common room. I saw that part of it was empty and I checked my watch, "bloody hell, I'm missing breakfast." I quickly started sprinting down the stairs and straight to the Great hall.

When I got there I noticed that Hugo and Roxanne had came from the Hufflepuff table. I sat down next to Albus, who had come from the Slytherin table, "hey Rose." I looked at him, "hey Al, you okay?" He nodded and came closer to me, "I know that you and Scorpius aren't really together." I was surprised, "how? Did Scorpius tell you?" Albus shook his head, "no I guessed from the way you two acted, I know that if you two were really together then you would act different." I was going to ask him what he meant, but someone came from behind me and hugged me, "hey Rosie." Scorpius said before sitting down, "hey Scorp." I said giving him a hug, "honestly haven't you two not even snogged yet?" Sophia said looking at us. "Sophia!" Eliza said looking at her, "what? It was just a question." Scorpius held my hand and looked around for Lexi, when he saw her he started smiling, I began to fell weird in my stomach. "What if they don't want their relationship to be just based on snogging." Eliza said before piling her plate with more food, "yeah, sorry Rose." Sophia looked at me, "it's fine Sophia, don't worry about it." "Rose? You okay?" She asked looking at me worriedly, I nodded, "hey we should get going, see you later Al." I said standing up, "see you later, Scorp." I said giving him a hug, Scorpius quickly looked behind me and then kissed my cheek (I noticed Lexi walking past), "see you later, Rosie." I began feeling strange in my stomach again, I walked out with Eliza and Sophia and we headed for Herbology, with Ravenclaw.

When we arrived, I sat at the back next to Sophia, since they we only two seater desk Eliza sat infront of us. "Hey Rose?" Sophia whispered, "yeah?" I whispered whilst taking notes, "I know." I looked at her confused, "know what?" Sophia looked at the front, "about yours and Scorpius's 'relationship'" She said using air quotes, "how?" I asked, "well, it was quite obvious because at breakfast he was totally staring at that Lexi girl and you didn't do anything, even though I could tell that you saw and when I brought up the fact you haven't snogged yet I could tell that you weren't going to do that anytime soon also I heard you and Albus talking about it." I looked at her, "well, just so you know, you and Al are the only ones that know and I'm only doing it because Scorpius wanted to get back with Lexi and this is the only idea he had, also remember third year when I had dyed his hair pink so if I don't do it then maybe he might do the same thing to me and also he is paying me ten galleons." Sophia smirked, "I know that you wouldn't do it without being paid." We both giggled and we didn't talk about it for the rest of the day.

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