Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas

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When mum and dad had left, I sat on my bed and stared at the wall finishing the remainder of my tea. After a few minutes I decided to take mum's advice and join the rest of the party. "I shouldn't just stay in my bedroom because of a boy." I muttered jumping off the bed.

When I had arrived downstairs, I entered the kitchen and placed my mug in the sink. I then headed out of the kitchen door and headed towards the bright and loud gazebo. As I passed a group of laughing adults, I saw Scorpius and Albus sitting next to a tree, Scorpius was still upset and Albus was looking rather concerned yet pleased. 

As I entered the gazebo, I saw Sophia dancing with Dominique. I began walking towards them hoping they wouldn't mind my intrusion, "that's how you do it." Sophia looked rather confused, "that seems so easy though." Dominique nodded with a cheerful expression, Sophia looked at the floor as if she were contemplating something, her face then lit up when I arrived, "hey Rose we were wondering where you'd went."  I give a small smile, "hey where's your dress?" My smile fell, "who cares what she's wearing let's dance." Dominique said grabbing our hands and leading us to the middle of the dance floor, "I'll tell you about it later." I said as Dominique started jumping and cheering to the song.

The three of us started jumping and dancing (rather wildly) to every song that was played. The best song we danced to was 'You stole my cauldron, but you wont steal my heart', "I LOVE THIS SONG!" Dominique and Sophia shouted in sync. "You think you're quite the wizard got my under your spell." Celestina sang. Dominique pretended to be Celestina Warbeck whilst Sophia and I were the banshees. "Well guess what mister wizard, you don't know me so well." Dominique sang as Sophia and I moved to opposites sides of her, Dominique grabbed our hands and twirled us both outwards then in. Sophia and I began laughing but stopped when the chorus had arrived, "you stole my cauldron, my favourite black hat." Dominique let go of our hands and started laughing, "purloined my owl, then flew off like a vampire bat." All three of us sang before laughing.

After a few more Celestina Warbeck songs were played, the three of us decided to take a break, "I'm getting a drink." I said as Sophia and Dominique sat down next to each other on the circular table, they nodded as I began making my way through the crowd of witches and wizards. 

When I had reached for the bottle of butter beer, someone had tapped me on the shoulder, "Albus? Hey what's up?" I said smiling at my smaller, green-eyed cousin, "Scorpius has been asking for you?" I rolled my eyes and sighed, "has he, well tell him to bugger off, I've spoken with him already." Albus sighed, "I know you have, but he really needs to talk to you." I frowned, "no I'm not talking to him, I have just had the most fun that I have had in a week and I don't need him ruining it." Albus held up his hands in surrender, "alright." He said before walking away.

I sighed and turned back to the table, "now which one's the butter beer." I picked up a bottle and tried to decode the writing, "bloody hell mum, why is you writing so loopy and neat?" I muttered, I looked once more at the label, "close enough." I said with a shrug, I poured the mysterious substance into my glass and downed it in one, "bloody hell." I said as my head began to feel dizzy.

After about six glasses of this liquid, I began to feel strange as if my body had a mind of its own. I decided that I had had enough and started to make my way towards Sophia and Dominique, as I did I saw Scorpius being shouted at by Sophia so I decided to head towards the exit instead. I waltzed and swayed past the tables, as I reached the exit I had misplaced my foot on a table leg and fell. "ROSE!" A person shouted running over, the person had put their hands on my waist to help me up, I started laughing, "ha, stop, that tickles." The taller person gave a quiet chuckle, "Rose? You alright?" I looked up and saw a very concerned Scorpius, "hey Squarpius." I said with a dazed smile, "Rose? What's going on?" I hiccuped, "nothing babes, I'm absolutely fine." I said beginning to walk away, I had gotten outside of the tent, when I had fallen again. "ROSE!" Scorpius shouted running towards me, "come on let's get you inside." He said lifting me up and leading me carefully towards the burrow.

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