Trust Me

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I sat there staring at the letter, "that absolute BASTARD." I shouted beginning to cry, "HE JUST HAD TO...HE JUST BLOODY HAD TO." I said falling to the floor, the door swung open, "Rose?" Sophia said worriedly running to me and holding me, "Rose? What happened?" I cried into her shoulder, "Scorpius?" She asked stroking my hair, I nodded, handing her the letter. Sophia released me and read the letter, "oh Rose." She said giving me another hug, "what a prick." She muttered, "who send something a letter saying thank you for making another girl jealous by accidently snogging someone and who the hell writes saying that they didn't feel anything." She hugged me tight for a while, "hey want me go kick his arse?" She said laughing slightly, I shook my head, "no then he will suspect something was up." She nodded and let go off me, "now." She said taking her handkerchief and wiping away my tears, "don't go wasting tears on this twat, do you want a drink?" I nodded, "alright I will be right back." She said running off.

After a few minutes she returned holding a bunch of food and drinks in her arms, "the house elves gave me all this knowing you were sad." I smiled slightly as I began opening a bottle of butterbeer and taking a huge bite of a ham and cheese sandwich. Sophia sat next to me and began drinking her butterbeer. "Hey want to come hang out with us instead of Scorpius tomorrow?" I nodded, "good." She said smiling sympathetically at me. Sophia didn't bring up the situation anymore, maybe because we were to busy laughing about old memories and  stuffing our faces with food and butterbeer.

We had been up in the dormitory for so long that we didn't realise that it was already time for tea. "You coming?" Sophia asked standing up and wiping crumbs off the bottom of her blue and white chequered shirt and her dark denim jeans. I nodded and stood up, we both walked out of the dormitory and started walking over to the hall for tea.

When we arrived we both sat down away from everyone else, we both began piling food on our plates and we both started laughing again about what we were talking about before. A few minutes had passed and we were both still laughing, until someone sat down next to Sophia having a dreamy look in her eyes. "Hey Eliza, where have you been?" Sophia asked her, Eliza straightened her purple jumper and lighter purple skirt and smiled brightly at us, her cheeks glowing. "Well I have just had one of the most greatest afternoons ever." I sighed and muttered, "at least one of us did." Eliza smiled at me, "well I was just sitting up on one of the branches of the trees in the lake." She said taking a few leaves out of her large brunette bun, "and then William came running outside and started annoying me, but then Albus came and asked if I wanted to go to Hogsmede with him and yeah that is what happened." I stared at her, "you and Albus eh?" I said wiggling my eyebrows, "shut up." She said playfully rolling her eyes. "So what did you two do today?" Eliza asked before politely stuffing her face with pie, Sophia looked at me and gave a me a let-me-do-the-talking look, I nodded discreetly. "Well we just hung around the common room for a bit." Eliza nodded and then someone sat next to her, "hey Lizzie." Albus said smiling at her, "hey Al." She said giving him a hug. "You guys only just went on a date and you are saying hello like you have haven't spoken in about two months." Sophia said rolling her eyes, "and why does he get to call you Lizzie? We were going to call you that but you said it was stupid." Eliza took her gaze off Albus and onto Sophia, "well because my name is Elizabeth I can be called a variety of nicknames, but on my Alby can call me Lizzie." Albus smiled and gave her a kiss, I couldn't bare to watch this anymore, "hey I'm going to the bathroom be right back." I said walking off, "okay see you in a bit." Eliza said still looking at Albus, Sophia stood up, "hey Rose?" I turned to her, "can I talk to you for just a sec." She said with an expression that said, you-better-not-leave-with-these-two-bloody-love-birds-or-I-will-kill-you, I nodded as she said bye to Eliza and Albus.

We both started walking to the girls bathroom, "I actually do need to talk to you though." Sophia said as we moved around a pair of seventh years that were having a deep conversation about goodness knows what. "Why what's up?" I asked looking at her, "I think you should tell Scorpius how you feel." I looked at her hoping it was a joke, but it wasn't, "what? why?" She sat my down on the nearest bench, "because he needs to know, even if he doesn't feel the same way it will be fine because he will understand and maybe he might feel the same about you." I snorted, "yeah sure he does." I said sarcastically, "I'm serious, you never know." She said, "what if this changes our friendship and he never speaks to me again?" Sophia now snorted, "honestly I wouldn't worry about that, you have already been his "girlfriend" so your friendship is kinda weird already, but seriously I'm surprised you guys haven't become an actual couple yet." I looked at her confused, "what do you mean?" She looked back at me, "it's just the way he looks at you, no person has ever looked at me like that before, and also the way you to react to each other." I thought for a minute, "fine I will do it." She smiled triumphantly, "tell him after tea tonight." I nodded, "thank you Sophia." I said giving her a hug, she smiled into my shoulder, "no problem Rose." I released her and we decided that we actually didn't need to go to the bathroom and started making our way back to the hall. "Hey Sophia?" She looked at me, "I'm sure some guy will look at you like that someday." She smiled and muttered, "sure." 

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