The Plan is In Action

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I woke up that morning remembering what I had promised, I looked over at my friends. Eliza Bingley (who was the most kindest person I have ever met, she was quite tall with short brunette hair and large green eyes) and Sophia Thomas (who was the most bad ass person I ever knew, she was extremely tall, dark skinned, she had a large black afro and quite large brown eyes) were my two best friends (as well as Albus and Scorpius). Eliza was packing her bag full of books and Sophia was playing exploding snap, I climbed out of bed and began to get ready.

"Hey Rose." They both said looking at me, "hey, ready to go?" They nodded and we all started walking down the stairs and into the common room. "You are going out with MALFOY?" James said as he saw me, bloody hell, remember what you agreed to, "yes I am, why?" James looked at me horrified, he walked away muttering to himself. "Wait a minute you are going out with Scorpius?" Sophia asked looking shocked, I nodded, "yeah I am, I was planning on telling you guys." Eliza nodded whilst Sophia looked extremely confused. I sighed and started making my way to the Great hall.

When we arrived I was greeted by Scorpius coming behind me and pulling me into a hug, "hey Rosie." He said looking at me, "hey Scorp." Eliza and Sophia started looking at us happy, but yet confused, "do you want to come sit at my table or yours?" He asked releasing me, "mine." I said leading him over to the Gryffindor table.

When we sat down Lily looked at us and squealed, "bloody hell Lily, what's wrong?" Lily started smiling brightly, "I bloody knew it." She said, god fourth years are scary, "knew what?" I asked piling food onto my plate, "that you two would end up together." I felt horrified that she would think this, remember Rose ten galleons, think of all the books you could buy, two books Rose TWO BLOODY BOOKS, unless you go to a charity shop, shut up other Rose, well just so you know Lily is trying to talk to you, I looked at Lily, "huh?" Lily sighed, "I said how did you two end up together?" I looked at Scorpius, he wasn't looking at me, I kicked his leg, that got his bloody attention, he looked at me then at Lily, " we were just sitting in the room of requirement and I was quite sad because of what happened with me and Lexi and I started talking to Rose and then I had kissed her by accident and I told her that I love her and that is how this all started." Lily looked at us mouth wide open, "that is how you two got together in my fanfiction I wrote...erm...I MEAN that is so cute." Lily started going red, "well I agree it is cute." I smiled at her, "no matter how cheesy it sounds." I muttered before eating some to toast.

After breakfast I had potions with Slytherins, so me and Scorpius walked into potions hand-in-hand (obviously receiving some strange and shocked faces). We both sat at the back, "I can't believe you are actually doing this, Rose." Scorpius whispered whilst I was getting my equipment out of bag, "what do you mean?" I asked staring at the chalkboard in front of us, "well...I thought that you would have said yes but then not bothered." I started writing down notes, "well it is a bit awkward, but I will do anything for my friends, especially you." I muttered the last part, "thanks, Rose." He said smiling, I smiled back at him and I carried on writing.

After the lesson I left with Scorpius, as he insisted on walking me to my next class. We ended up outside the history of magic classroom and I hugged Scorpius and walked in. I sat next to Sophia and Eliza and they started asking me about how me and Scorpius got together, it was extremely annoying and awkward. "Have you snogged yet?" Sophia said looking at me, "BLOODY HELL!" I shouted receiving many glares from the Ravenclaws and Professor Binns, "sorry." I said my ears turned red, "no we haven't snogged." I whispered back to a laughing Sophia, "okay." We stayed quiet for the rest of the lesson, but when the lesson had finished I told those two I would see them later and I went to find Scorpius.

When I walked out to find him, I saw that he was already standing outside of the classroom. "Hey, Rosie." I looked at him, he hugged me and we started walking down the corridor until, "look its Lexi, laugh like I said something funny." I started bursting out laughing (well fake laughing) as Lexi stared at Scorpius sorrow in her eyes, "hey Scorpius." She said looking at him, "hey Lexi, this is my girlfriend Rose Weasley." I stopped laughing and looked at Lexi, she was quite tall with long straight strawberry blonde hair and she wore large black leather boots and she wore a long silver necklace that had a 'S' on it (probably from Scorpius), "hiya, Rose I'm Lexi McLaggen." I shook her hand, "pleasure." I said, McLaggen I think dad mentioned his name before, "I see you are still wearing the necklace." Scorpius said smiling sadly, "oh...I didn't realise...I'm sorry, did you want it back?" She asked beginning to take it off, "nah, you keep it." They both stayed smiling at each other, until someone behind us had cleared their throat, ", he is my boyfriend." She said looking at the floor, "this is my friend Scorpius and his girlfriend Rose-" "Rose Weasley, I know." I stared at him in shock and anger, "Alex? Alex Finnigan?" He nodded, "you cheating BASTARD." I glared at him, "I don't know what you are talking about,." I walked up to him, "you bloody know what I'm talking about." He shrugged his shoulders, " does this name ring a bell, ELIZA BINGLEY." He shrugged his shoulders, "and who is that?" I smacked him, "YOUR BLOODY GIRLFRIEND, I CANT BELIEVE YOU WOULD CHEAT ON HER, SHE IS THE MOST KINDEST PERSON ON THE PLANET SHE WOULD NEVER HURT ANYONE BUT YET YOU DECIDE TO HURT HER." I said kicking him repeatedly in the stomach, "oi BITCH, YOU DO KNOW THAT I JUST BROKE UP WITH HER BEFORE I CAME HERE RIGHT." I stopped kicking him and stood there my ears going red, "oh..shit...well...this isn't awkward at all." I said sarcastically walking away from him, "shit...I'm really sorry, I just didn't know that you had broken up with her." I helped him up, "its fine I probably would have done the same." I gave him a hug, "probably? We have been friends for years I know you would have done the same." I looked back at Scorpius and Lexi, they both looked at me a bit concerned, "I'm sorry." Alex walked next to Lexi and gave her a hug, "its fine." He said before walking away clutching his stomach. "Smooth." Scorpius said walking over to me, "bog off." I said walking away, "come on, this is just our first fight." I tried to stay angry at him but it was hard, "you do know that we don't have to pretend to be a couple twenty four seven, we can just act like a couple when Lexi is around." He nodded his head, "I know, its just more believable for everyone else as well." I nodded and Scorpius walked me to divination (and thankfully we had it with Hufflepuffs), "see you later Rosie." He said pulling me into a hug, "this is so weird." I whispered into his ear, "no its not." He whispered before walking away.

I walked into the colourful classroom and sat next to Sophia, "where is Eliza?" She looked at me, "she is dealing with what happened between her and Alex." I nodded and opened my book, divination was quite interesting (I don't know why my mother hates it so much), "so what's up with you and Scorpius." I looked at her, "we just discussed this in History of Magic." She shrugged her shoulders, "so, I'm interested." I looked back at my book, "well nothing has happened since we discussed it."

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