For You

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The day dragged on and Scorpius was nowhere in sight. I felt agitated as I walked into the Great Hall. I walked over to a very annoyed Sophia, I sat down next to her and ignored the two lovebirds, as they sat being all weird. "Hi." I said as I sat down, I gave Sophia an eye roll, to which she returned with a raised eyebrow. "hi." Sophia said piling steak and kidney onto her plate. I grabbed some  and some chocolate cake and started eating anticipating what was to come. 

Half an hour had past and tea was over, Albus gave Eliza and small kiss on the cheek and stood up, "see you later Lizzie." He said smiling, "bye Rose, Sophia." We both gave him a nod and Eliza smiled at him as he walked away. "Isn't he lovely." Eliza said turning back to us, "you do know you are talking about my cousin." I said giving a jokingly stern stare, she giggled, "well I better be off, see you later." She said skipping away merrily, "sooo? You ready?" Sophia asked standing up, I nodding my head still unsure of what I was about to do, "do you want me to go with you?" Sophia said giving me a sympathetic smile, "nah I'll be fine, I hope." I said muttering the last part, Sophia gave me a quick hug and started walking to the Gryffindor common room. I starting walking nervously out of the hall and past the huge crowd of people.

I walked down the darkened hallway reminding myself of what I was to say and I kept thinking of what Sophia had told me. I got so lost in my thoughts that I had crashed into a something, I began falling to the floor, but they caught me at the last second, I stood up straightening my jumper. "Oh crap I'm sorry, got lost in thought." I said looking at this mysterious person, "it's okay, I kinda got lost in thought too." Levi Zabini said looking at me, "if you don't me asking, why are you even by the dungeons anyway?" I looked at his tanned face, "oh I just wanted to talk to Scorpius, is he in there?" I asked looking behind him at the long corridor that led to the portrait, "yeah he is outside, why?" I looked back at him, "no reason." I said started to make my way around him, "I'm sorry about that." I said before starting to run off, "ROSE! GOOD LUCK, BUT HE IS........" I couldn't here what else he was saying because I had ran far away from him, I stopped suddenly looking at the end of the corridor.

Scorpius stood there and I saw him and ran up to him, "Scorpius?" He looked at me, "oh Rose." He said me a hug, "thank you so much, Lexi has decided to go back out with me again, we are just going to Hogsmede now." I stared at him my mouth open and my eyes beginning to fill with water, "oh...congratulations, Scorpius, when did she tell you about wanting to get back together?" I said looking at his smiling face, "well since you couldn't go and play Quidditch, I started playing and Lexi came out and we both played Quidditch together, she was playing keeper and she was absolutely amazing, she was even better than you, and that's saying something." He said laughing, I discreetly wiped away a tear, "oh...that is great Scorpius."He smiled and took out his wallet, "ten galleons like we agreed." I shook my head, "no thanks, I don't want your money, just as long as your happy." Lexi walked out of the Slytherin common room door and smiled at me, "well thanks, again." He said smiling, I put on a smile, he took Lexi's hand and started to walk away, "hey Scorpius?" He turned to me, "yeah?" He asked giving me a look between I'm sorry and I'm really happy that the stupid plan worked and your heart is broken (I may have lied about about that part), Lexi looked behind Scorpius and gave me a strange look, "I just wanted to yourselves in Hogsmede." He smiled and kissed Lexi on the cheek, "we will." I nodded and started looking at the floor, "and Rose?" I looked at his large grey eyes, "yeah?" He walked over to me and hugged me, "I'm glad your always there for me." He said breaking the hug and walking over to Lexi, "don't worry." I said watching them walk away, "I will always be there...for you."

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