Only Love Can Hurt Like This

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The end of term was fast approaching, I was relived for the chance to get away from it all. I feel emptiness and an essence of pain every time I see Lexi and Scorpius together, I remember who that was me only a few days ago. Still, I don't let that control me and bring me down, I know they would have gotten back together once more, so why was I so sorrowful? Sophia and Eliza (on the odd occasion that she wasn't drooling over Albus) would help in any way they could, but I'm fine, I think?

"Hey Rose?" Sophia shook me out of my thoughts, "yeah?" I looked over at her wide-eyed as if I have never seen a person before, she chuckled and rolled her eyes, "I need help with the homework for defense against the dark arts, can you help me?" I nodded and looked at the paragraph she was pointing at. I noticed, as Sophia was explaining what she didn't understand, that the library was oddly empty. Only about four tables were filled with students, many were left empty, "why is it important?" I was once again dragged away from my thoughts, "Rose?" I looked at Sophia and murmured a response, "you seem oddly distracted today, something up?" I shrugged my shoulders at her, I honestly didn't know why I was distracted.

 "Perfect timing." Sophia muttered looking behind me, I turned around and saw that Scorpius had just waltzed in with Lexi hanging off his arm. He looked in my direction and smiled, I gave a small smile, Sophia scowled. Lexi then looked at us and waved, I waved back, Sophia stuck her fingers up at the two (obviously she did this when the two had their backs turned). "Come on Sophia, don't be like that." Sophia looked at me apologetically, "well he bloody deserves more than that." I was about to agree with her, when I saw that he had sat down looking quite annoyed, "do you think she's annoying him now?" Sophia said with a smirk, "serves you right, prick." I snorted and then looked back at the textbook.

After about two hours of finishing off homework, we both decided to take a break. "Want to head back to the common room?" I nodded and started packing my bag, I glanced over at the large desk that Scorpius and Lexi (mainly Scorpius) were working at, he looked extremely pissed, "trouble in paradise." Sophia whispered, I started snorted and tried to prevent a loud laugh to appear. She grabbed her backpack and we both headed back to the Gryffindor tower.

"Argh, I just want it to be Christmas." Sophia groaned as we entered the common room, "only two more days and term will be over." Sophia collapsed on the sofa and began ripping off her trainers, "thank Merlin." I chuckled and sat down next to her, "where are the lovebirds at?" Sophia said searching around the common room, at that exact moment Eliza entered the common room skipping with glee, "speak of the devil." I snorted and looked over at Eliza, "hey Eliza." 

Eliza smiled brightly and sat on a spare armchair in front of us, "I had the most wonderful walk." We looked at her dreamy expression, "what by yourself?" Sophia asked amused, "no silly, with Albus." Sophia raised an eyebrow and nodded with a strange expression, "where did you go?" I asked, hoping to move the conversation along, "we walked along the black lake." Sophia folded her arms, "romantic." She said sarcastically, Eliza didn't catch up on it and smiled brightly, "I know right." I smirked, "I think the giant squid just threw up." Sophia muttered, I elbowed her in the stomach, "it's nice to see that you and Albus are enjoying yourselves." Sophia snorted and rubbed her stomach, "I think I'm going to head off to bed." We nodded at her and she skipped away and ran up the staircase that led to the girls dormitory.

"What is your problem?" I said looking over at Sophia, "nothing I am just fed up of hearing about lovey-dovey shit." I gave her a sympathetic look, "join the club." She smirked and looked at me, "join the club? You talk about it more than bloody Juliet does." She said motioning her head upstairs, "no I complain about, I'm fed up of love controlling people's emotions and actions." Sophia nodded in agreement, "well I'm just glad I'm not caught up on some poor sod like you are." I frowned, "hey, thanks Sophia." I said sarcastically, "sorry Rose, I didn't mean it like that." I looked over at her, "sure." She gave me a strange look, "seriously, I didn't mean for it to sound like that, honestly." She looked completely serious so I decided to drop the subject and move onto something more enjoyable to talk about.

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