A Date in Hogsmede

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A few days had past and I sill Scorpius's 'girlfriend'. Today was Saturday and Scorpius had suggested that we should go to Hogsmede on a 'date'. I woke up that morning and put on my chudley canons jumper, jeans and turquoise high tops (and obviously my coat, Gryffindor scarf and gloves).  I left my hair in its normal state and walked downstairs to the common room.

I sat down next to Eliza and Sophia, who were playing exploding snap. "Hey guys." I said looking at them, "hiya Rose, where are you going?" Eliza said smiling, "oh Scorpius is taking me to Hogsmede." They both started wiggling there eyebrows, "bog off." I said before walking off.

I walked down to the Great hall and I saw Scorpius sitting with Lexi smiling and laughing, "hey Rose." Albus said as I sat down, "hey Albus, hey Scorp, hey Lexi." They looked at me smiling, "hiya Rose, you ready to go?" Scorpius said standing up, "yeah, sure." I said standing up. Scorpius held my hand and we walked away from the Slytherin table.

We walked hand-in-hand down the snowy Hogsmede street, staring at all the enchanting things pass, "lets go Zonkos." I said pulling Scorpius over to the brightly coloured shop. "Woah." Scorpius said as we entered. I ran all over the store grabbing random products and when I had gotten enough I paid whilst Scorpius was staring at the selection of fireworks, "come on Scorp." I said pulling him out of the store, "we are a very believable couple." Scorpius said holding my hand, "well it is because I am a terrific actress." I said smiling at him, "I'm glad we're friends." He said looking at me, "me too." I said getting a strange feeling in my stomach.

After a few more shops we finally reached my favourite bookshop EVER. We walked in and I ran straight for my favourite section of the store. Scorpius followed rolling his eyes and smiled at me, "let me buy it for you." He said noticing the book I was looking at, "I know that it's your favourite, but you have never had the money to buy it." I looked at him, "how did you know that? " He smiled and took out his wallet, "no please, I can just ask for it for Christmas." He refused, "no please, let me but this for you as a thank you present." I looked at him confused, "a thank you present?" I said, but before he could answer he grabbed the book out of my hands and ran straight to the counter. I followed, but before I could stop him he had paid for it. "Thank you." He said handing me the gift, "no, thank you." I hugged him and we carried on walking towards the three broomsticks.

When we arrived, we found a small table at the back, "I'll be right back." Scorpius said and left to the bar. I started staring at the book, " how the bloody hell did he know?" I asked myself whilst opening the book, "History of the Magical World." The title screamed at me. Scorpius came back with the drinks and set them on the table, I placed down my book and had a drink, "you have a little something there." Scorpius said pointing to my top lip, I started laughing, "come here." Scorp said taking the sleeve of his shirt and wiping away the cream on my face. "Thanks." I said smiling, Scorpius's face was so close to mine and we began moving forward and...

Scorpius smashed his mouth onto mine. We were there for a few minutes, until I realised who this was, "bloody hell." I said pulling away, "crap...Rose I'm sorry." I looked at his pink face,"its fine, lets just hope no one saw." I said and I noticed a large piece of strawberry blonde hair rush past and out of the door, I don't think Scorpius saw. "Well now we can tell people that we have snogged." I said laughing, "maybe we should get back go Hogwarts." Scorpius said acting weird.

The journey back wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be. We both walked back to my common room hand-in-hand and when we reached the portrait I gave Scorpius a hug and went inside.

I walked up to my dormitory and I clutched the book to my chest and I started smiling and thinking off what just happened, why did I feel so weird? I was crushing on Scorpius, we had a moment back there and I ruined it, I sat by the door until somebody had opened it, "Rose?" Sophia said walking in, "yeah?" I said looking at her, "you alright?" I nodded, "you looked really weird and strange when you passed where I was talking to Lily, what's up?" I told Sophia about what had happened, "and now I can't get him out of my head, I keep getting butterflies when ever I start to think of him and what happened." Sophia squealed, "Rose, it's called love." I looked at her in realisation, "I love Scorpius don't I?"

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