Don't Let Some Idiotic Boy Get You Down

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I sprinted away from Scorpius, tears streaming down my freckled face. I crashed through crowds of people. I smashed open the front door of the burrow and ran past the couple sitting in the living room. I ran up the creaking staircase and swung open the bedroom door and collapsed on the bed.

"Why did I agree to be his STUPID girlfriend." I cried out whilst placing my hands on my eyes. I felt something ruff on my eye lid, I stood up and walked over to the mirror. I looked at my reflection in disgust, I saw my dress had a few spots of mud on the hem, my mascara had run down my face, my eye shadow had smudge quite viciously, my bun had become quite loose and looked as though it was going to fall off my head, the two silver flower accessories dangled off my head holding onto it for dear life, my feet were caked in mud (I had left my heels underneath the table in the gazebo). "Show Scorpius what he's missing." I said in a mimicking tone, I took my hand and started rubbing off the make up, "why won't this shit come off my face." I said before walking over to my bed and picking up my wand.

I had made the gunk off my face wash away, I had also cleaned my feet. I threw the silver accessories onto Victoire's bed and walked over to my wardrobe wiping away tears that had still remained on my lashes. I grabbed my Chudley Canons jumper, black jeans and red and black high tops. Messing up my hair, in hopes of getting it back to normal, I sat on my bed.

I leaned my back against the wall and my mind began replaying the scene that had just played out in the orchard. I tried to shake the thought out of my mind, as I did I heard a knock at the door, "go away." I shouted leaning my head onto my knees hoping to hide from the world, "Rose? Can I talk to you please." A soft voice said from the opposite side of the door, please don't be Scorpius, I thought as I jumped off the bed and walked over to the door.

"Mum?" I asked looking at the taller tanned brunette, she smiled at me and walked in carrying a mug, "here drink this." She said handing me the mug as I sat down on my bed, "shouldn't you be at the party?" I asked as she closed the door, "I probably should, but I would rather spend my time sitting here and chatting to you." She said walking over to the side of my bed, she sat down and immediately sat back up again, "Pride and Prejudice?" She asked picking up the heavily decorated hardcover book, "yes, it's one of my favourites." She smiled at me and placed the book on my bedside table.

"So? I heard what happened with Scorpius." The tea began to taste horrible, "how?" I asked looking up at her, "I was in the garage earlier getting something for your father and I heard you and Lexi talking." I nodded and placed down the mug on my bedside table, "I was also outside taking with your Aunt Ginny when we both heard you shouting and then you came running past crying." My ears heated up, "you heard what I said." Mum nodded and held my hand, "that was a brave thing you did." She said with her kind brown eyes, "minus all the swearing." She said with a stern look, I chuckled.

"Honestly though, I would never have been able to do that." I looked up in disbelief, "sure, the great Hermione Weasley wouldn't be able to tell her crush how she feels." Mum looked at me with raised eyebrow, "have I not told you of the time your father had a girlfriend and I was extremely heartbroken?" I shook my head, "wait dad had a girlfriend that wasn't you?" I asked with a confused expression, mum chuckled, "yeah her name was Lavender Brown, she was alright, but god was she annoying, I remember her always calling your father 'Won Won'." I burst out laughing, "WON WON?" I shouted laughing louder, mum joined in the laughter then stopped, "anyways, I had gotten feelings for your father and I thought he had feelings for me too, well obviously not then, and one night at a quidditch party, we had had a row earlier that day over felix felicis, and um...your father and...Lavender" I nodded understanding her pain.

"When I had seen this, I sprinted from the common room and ended up in an abandoned classroom, I sat on the desk and used the Avis spell to conjure up birds." I nodded confused on where this story was going, "your Uncle Harry had later ran into the classroom to see if I was alright, I told him I was and then your father had entered the room with a giggling Lavender on his arm, he completed ignored me, so with all the anger and hurt in me I used the Oppugno spell and made tiny yellow canaries claw and peck at his skin until it bled." I felt quite terrified at that moment, "so you're telling me to go to Scorpius and make small birds attack him and make his skin bleed." Mum chuckled, "no I'm telling you, don't let some idiotic boy get you down." I nodded but felt confused, "heartbreaks happen to all of us, it's a main part of life, although we all wished it weren't." I nodded and gave my mum a smile, "all I'm saying is forget about Scorpius, he's an idiot anyways for not realizing the amazing thing that has been in front of his eyes for the past five years." She gave my hand a squeeze and smiled, "go back to the party and enjoy yourself, with your friends."

I moved closer to her and gave her a hug, she gave me a squeeze and smiled into my shoulder, "thanks mum." I said smiling, "anything for you, Rosie." She said as I released her, "well I best get back down to the party, your father will probably be wondering where I am." She said standing up, "alright I'll be down in a minute." Mum nodded, kissed my forehead and gave a small wave.

When mum had opened the door, my dad stood there his ears bright red, "um...I was just looking for the bathroom." He said pretending to look around, "honestly Ronald." Mum said trying to be stern, but couldn't contain her laughter, dad smiled at her and gave her a peck on the lips, I made a disgusted face, "honestly kissing in front of your child, my poor innocence." I said with a smirk, my parents both chuckled and mum gave a small wave and closed the door. Before she closed the door I heard my dad say to her, "hey Hermione, don't let some idiotic boy get you down."

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