Something There

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Ten minutes had passed and our lips had departed from each other, "wow." Scorpius said smiling up at me, "that was different from Hogsmede." I said with a smirk, "yeah because this time I felt there was something there." I perked up at Scorpius, "hey you know earlier when you said that the person I loved had now loved me back?" Scorpius looked up at me and nodded, "what did you mean?" I said leaning my head on his shoulder, "well this whole conversation made me realize something that I have been too blind to see before." I shoved him playfully, "that is the most cheesiest thing you have ever said." I said smiling at him, "aren't you glad your my girlfriend now."

I looked over at him, "oh hell no." He looked up at me confused, "that was once again the shittiest way to ask a girl out ever." Scorpius sighed and rolled his eyes, "will you Rose Weasley become my real girlfriend." He added and smile, "it would be my pleasure Scorpius Malfoy." I said with a smirk, "great." He said and held my hand, "aren't you glad you fell in love with me now." He said with a wink, "you're such a nerd." I said with a giggle, "and you're still drunk." He said standing up, "what?" I said looking over at him, "you drank six glasses of fire whiskey." I nodded, "yeah and when you gave me that water I put a spell on it to sober me up a bit." Scorpius looked down at me, "so all of that." He said motioning to the bed, "was you sober?" I nodded, "shit." Scorpius said with a smile tugging on his lips. "Aren't you glad your my boyfriend now?" I asked with a wink.

"Hey we've been up here for a while, want to go down to the party?" Scorpius asked looking down at me, "not yet." I said standing on my tip toes and kissing him once more, he wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me up higher.

We eventually made it down the stairs, "hey guys, I've been wondering where you were." Albus said walking out of the kitchen, "what were you doing?" He asked sitting down on the armchair, we looked at each other and had smiles tugging on our lips. "What?" Albus asked looking confused, "nothing." We both said smiling, "why are you holding hands?" Albus said looking at our hands, "wait, hold up." We both looked over at my small, confused raven-haired cousin, "Scorpius exits the tent with you laughing and falling over, you both enter the house and don't come back from Rose's room for about an hour." He started making questionable faces, "ew no, tell me you guys didn't-" "Albus." I said looking at him sternly, "all we did was dance and have a very deep conversation." Scorpius nudged my in the side, "and snogged." He muttered, I shoved him back, "oh thank Merlin." Albus said in relief, "weirdo." I said leading Scorpius out of the burrow.

We walked hand-in-hand down the now empty garden, we kept looking over at each other and smiling like love sick idiots. When we entered the loud gazebo, Sophia came sprinted towards us, "Rose, bloody hell girl, you keep disappearing." She said concerned, she then took a step back and observed our hands, "when did this happen?" She asked folding her arms, "just about half an hour ago." I said with a smile, "you have a lot to tell me later." She said un folding her arms, "hey Scorpius." His head snapped in Sophia's direction, "you're going to hear this from all of Rose's cousins so I'll say it first." He look confused but nodded, "you break her heart, I'll break your face." He then looked taken aback, "okay." He squeaked out of fear, "I'm just getting a drink." I said to Scorpius, who looked as though it was his final day to live (it probably will be if my family finds out), "alright I'll save you a seat." He said before giving my hand a squeeze before exiting.

"This is punishment." Sophia said leaning against the drinks table, "what do you mean." I said as I poured myself a glass of water, "your happily in love and so is Eliza." I nodded understanding where this would be going, "and every person I have ever loved is either judgmental towards me after they find out or don't find out at all and stay oblivious." I gave a sympathetic look, my eyes then scanned the crowd, "what about Dominique?" I asked snapping my head back into Sophia's direction, "what? Dominique? What made you think that?" Sophia said scratching her ear, "I see the way you look at her." Sophia turned to me, "well that was a stupid school girl crush." I raised my eyebrow, "She is too old for me anyways." I snorted as I poured a butter beer for Scorpius, "it's only three years." Sophia muttered something and refilled her now empty glass of butter beer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2017 ⏰

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