It Was Only A Dream...Right?

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Scorpius stood there and I saw him and ran up to him, "Scorpius?" He looked at me, "oh Rose." He said me a hug, "thank you so much, Lexi has decided to go back out with me again, we are just going to Hogsmede now." I stared at him my mouth open and my eyes beginning to fill with water, "oh...congratulations, Scorpius, when did she tell you about wanting to get back together?" I said looking at his smiling face, "well since you couldn't go and play Quidditch, I started playing and Lexi came out and we both played Quidditch together, she was playing keeper and she was absolutely amazing, she was even better than you, and that's saying something." He said laughing, I discreetly wiped away a tear, "oh...that is great Scorpius."He smiled and took out his wallet, "ten galleons like we agreed." I shook my head, "no thanks, I don't want your money, just as long as your happy." Lexi walked out of the Slytherin common room door and smiled at me, "well thanks, again." He said smiling, I put on a smile, he took Lexi's hand and started to walk away, "hey Scorpius?" He turned to me, "yeah?" He asked giving me a look between I'm sorry and I'm really happy that the stupid plan worked and your heart is broken (I may have lied about about that part), Lexi looked behind Scorpius and gave me a strange look, "I just wanted to yourselves in Hogsmede." He smiled and kissed Lexi on the cheek, "we will." I nodded and started looking at the floor, "and Rose?" I looked at his large grey eyes, "yeah?" He walked over to me and hugged me, "I'm glad your always there for me." He said breaking the hug and walking over to Lexi, "don't worry." I said watching them walk away, and then he was gone.

I woke up with a start, "Rose?" Eliza and Sophia asked, "you alright?" Sophia said looking worriedly at me, I nodded, "I'm just going to get some breakfast." I said rubbing my forehead and quickly getting dressed into my chudley canons jumper and some old jeans and trainers. I ran down the stairs and to the Great hall.

When I arrived I sat down at the Gryffindor table and started piling food onto my plate. I was stuffing my face until someone rudely interrupted me, I turned around annoyed and then surprised, "Lexi?" I said looking at the tall Slytherin girl, "hiya." She said sitting down, "I was if Scorpius miss me?" I looked at her, "well he does talk about you a lot and to me he looks like he misses you." She smiled sadly, "really?" I nodded, "oh gosh, know I really do regret breaking up with him, do you think I should talk to him?" I thought for a minute, "yeah I think you should." I said whilst my stomach felt weird, "and you are okay with that?" I nodded, "why wouldn't I be?" She looked confused, "because your his girlfriend and you might think I'm trying to take him back." I shook my head, "if Scorpius wants to be with you then I'm perfectly fine by that, I understand that you to spent a lot of time being together." She smiled brightly and hugged me, "thanks, Rose." She said before standing up and skipping away, "no problem." I muttered turning back to the table.

I tried to eat something but my fork fell out of my hands and I placed my hands to my forehead, "that was a dream...right?" I muttered re-thinking of the dream I had earlier. Just then to small figures stood in front of me, "Rose?You alright?" I took my hands off of my face and looked at Lily and Hugo, "yeah I'm fine." I said looking at the small innocent (sure?) looking brunette and the taller menacing looking red head looking at me worriedly, "no you aren't, seriously what's wrong?" Lily said sitting down , "nothing, I'm just tired." Hugo looked at me, "you sure?" I nodded, "honestly, I just feel extremely tired." They nodded, but still looked unsure, thank god Lysander Scamander came up to Lily at that moment in time, Hugo walked back over to the Hufflepuff table whilst Lysander whisked Lily away to the Ravenclaw table. 

After breakfast I walked past the loud tables and I clutched my bag as I walked to the library. When I arrived I saw the marvellous place that I would spend my free time, I walked past the other students who were either reading, finishing homework or (even in some cases) becoming better friends with the person they had arrived with. I avoided those types of couples and made my way to the back corner of the library and threw my bag onto the table and reached inside for my book, as I did I had pulled out what I thought was a book, but no it just had to be pictures of the Hogsmede trip Scorpius and I took yesterday, I smiled at the pictures of us pulling stupid faces and of Scorpius after this drunk guy accidently spilt butterbeer on him (strangely we weren't even in Three Broomsticks or the Hogshead). I decided to put those pictures back into my bag and grab my book. After a few minutes of searching in the small pink bag I finally found it, I placed all my belongings back in and began reading.

Reaching the final word, I sighed and placed the book into my bag and decided to walk back to the Gryffindor common room. I walked slowly to the entrance of the library clutching my bag tight. I began walking down the quiet hall until I heard footsteps from behind me that were getting louder and louder and...BAM! I was pulled into a massive hug, "Scorpius?" I said still surprised, "thank you so much." I released him confused, then remembered breakfast, "she spoke to you didn't she?" I said feeling a mix between sadness and happiness, "kind of, well first I found out that Lexi broke up with Alex and it was because she wanted me back and she started speaking to me." I gave a sad smile, "that's great Scorpius." I said my throat becoming strangely dry." He nodded, "well seeing as we have no lessons today, how about you and me have a game of Quidditch?" I was going to say yes but decided against it, "I'm sorry Scorpius I promised Sophia that I would help her with something." Scorpius began to look upset, "oh okay, I guess we will have to play another time." I nodded, "I'm sorry." He shook his head, "don't be, we both know I was going to kick your arse at it anyway." I snorted and punched him in the arm playfully, "well I guess I will see you later then." He said staring into my blue eyes as I stared at his grey eyes, we began moving our heads towards each other and....

We suddenly heard footsteps coming from around the corner and two voices, "I swear I'm going to find that bloody Malfoy and I'm going to kill him." We both jumped, "don't Alex, it ain't his fault Lexi broke up with you, they were going out before you went out with her." Scorpius suddenly gulped and ran off, giving me a small wave, I sighed and started walking towards the Gryffindor common room.

When I arrived I ran up to my dormitory and sat on my bed and stared at nothing, until I was distracted by an owl tapping at the window. I opened it and took the letter and gave the owl a small treat. The letter was addressed to me, so I opened it confused, it read:

Hello Rose,

I am probably playing Quidditch by myself by now so I just wanted to tell you something I should have told you earlier. I wanted to thank you for Hogsmede, I know you saw Lexi in the pub so you kissed me and because you saw her leave you released me noticing that it was weird, I apologised knowing that you would like it if I did (you know to make it seem real). I just wanted to say that I didn't want to cause any weirdness between us because obviously you didn't feel anything and neither did I. I just wanted to say that, you probably know this already but, you are a very smart person. Also, thank you once again for getting Lexi to speak to me again.

Love From,

Your "boyfriend" 

Scorpius Malfoy :)

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