Bill x reader x Dipper

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Age: 16


You were running as fast as you could. You didn't dare look back. You were being chased by a guy. He was screaming your name.

"Don't run away from me, sunshine!!" He screamed behind you. Tears began to fall down your eyes. You didn't look at him and continued running. He grabbed your wrist and held it tight. You yelped and turned to him.

"Leaving so soon?" Bipper asked, holding your chin up. "Please don't.." You pleaded. He stared at your (e/c) eyes with his yellow, narrow ones with a smirk.

"Come on, sunshine," He said rather calmly. "I won't hurt you. Trust me...."

You jolted up your bed. It was just a dream, You thought. You looked at your room, only to remember you were late for your part-time job in the Mystery Shack. You did your morning routine and ran towards the shack.

"(Y/n)!" Mabel yelled from the counter. "Your 10 seconds early!" You smiled and waved at her and did the same to Dipper. "How's your sleep?" Dipper asked, removing his legs from the counter. "Uh...It's fine, I guess. I had a dream about something, though." You replied. "Is Dipper in there?" Mabel asked you. "M-Mabel!" Dipper yelled at his sister. "Uh...I don't really remember that much, but I felt like I was running away from someone." Mabel looked at her brother.

"Was it scary?" She asked. Then you remembered. You paused and touched your cheek. I crying?

"Woah, (Y/n)!!" Dipper called out and ran to you. Mabel followed. "What happened? Is it about the dream?" He asked. You shook your head. "Oh, n-no! It's nothing." He looked at you one more time before returning to the counter.

"Oh yeah! (Y/n), are you going later?" Mabel asked you. "Oh! Y-yeah...someone asked me out but I'm not sure yet." "Really!? Tell me!" You brought her inside so you can tell her. This made Dipper curious. Dipper was DYING to ask you out to the dance, but he was a coward to do such a brave thing.

"There's my favorite little tree!!" A familiar voice exclaimed.

"WHAT do you want, Bill?"Dipper asked.
"Can't I just pay my little Pine tree for a visit for once?"
"Get lost!"
"Easy, pal. I'm not hurting nor going to hurt anyone you love and care about, especially Shooting Star and Sunshine!" Bill didn't have a mouth, but you can tell he was smirking. "Who do you mean by sun-" Then Dipper blushed. "I know lots of things, Pine Tree, including your interest in-"
"Don't! Continue. The sentence." Dipper ordered. "Yes, sir!" Bill taunted. "So, anyway, I heard there's going to be a ball later. And she's going to be there." "What's your point?" Dipper asked. "She has no one to go to. Well, she WAS asked out by someone..." Dipper's eyes widened. "Tell me who!" "Nah. But, how about we make a deal...?" Bill lend out a hand.

"I will tell you who she is going with so you can replace him or something then in return you give me what I want. I don't want a puppet, I swear. I just need you to do it." Bill explained. Dipper thought for a moment. Dipper still can't trust him, but he was damn curious and wanted to get that guy away from you.

Dipper shook Bill's hand. Bill laughed and pulled Dipper's soul out of his own body. "My, Pine Tree," Bill; or should I say, Bipper said.

"Why must you be so gullible all the time..?" Dipper was too shocked. "What are you going to do with my body? What do you want?"

"You will get what you have asked for." Bipper said, not replying Dipper's question. "Sister dear! Can you help me with my clothes? I am so excited for the ball I could exchange my soul with a demon!" Bipper yelled. "Sure thing, Dipdop! Be right there!" Mabel replied. Bipper smirked at Dipper.


You walked around the ballroom. It was humongous and beautiful. You waited for the Pines twins to arrive. You cleaned the food particles from your (f/c) dress paired with sneakers. You didn't have those high heels. You sighed in relief when you saw Dipper and Mabel walking towards you.

"Wow, (Y/n)! Looking good!" Mabel winked. You smiled when you saw Dipper. He was smirking at you. "I agree! You look stunning!" You laugh nervously. Dipper was there, watching you. "Ugh! Bill I hate you so much!!"

"Where's the guy who asked you out?" Mabel asked. "Oh, him. I declined his offer." You looked at the guy with disgust. "I can be your partner for tonight, (Y/n)! Everyone needs to have a partner, right?" Bipper asked. You blushed. "S-sure!!" Mabel clapped her hands. "That's great! I'll be going now! Dipper, if you lay a hand at (Y/n) in a weird way, you'll get a bad tickling." Mabel warned. Bipper froze. He hated tickles. He smiled and walked with you.

"What? I thought he is going to destroy me or something! What does he want?!" Dipper asked. Then it hit him. Bill wanted you. Now he is your partner for tonight. "No...." Dipper said to himself.

"So Dipper, you're looking so happy today." You told Bipper. "You make me happy, (Y/n)!!" You blushed. "Really?" "I've always liked you."


Mabel was munching out on the food when...

"Psst, hey! Mabel!"
Mabel turned to see no one. She looked down to see a sock.

"Hey, its me! Dipper!" The sock exclaimed. "Dipper what the hell!?" Mabel yelled. "Bill took my body and now he's with (Y/n)! I need your help ASAP!!" Mabel's eyes widen.

"Why would you make a deal with Bill!? What did you agree with?" She asked. "It's about....(Y/n)." Dipper confessed. "Okay, bro. I'll help you but you owe me one." She began running at full speed with heels. (How does she do that?)

Bipper held your chin up, smirking as he went closer to you.

"Bipper!" Mabel yelled. Bipper turned to her and laughed. "You're too late!!" He smashed his lips to yours. You were suprised, and so was Mabel and Dipper. You melted in the kiss, thinking it was Dipper. Then Mabel pulled Bipper away from you.

"LEFT HOOK!!" Mabel punched Bipper. Stan saw what happened and cried. "I am so proud." He said. (A/n: I had to include this)

She then began tickling Bipper. "Stop! Hahaha! You-You win! I-hahahah-I SURRENDER!!!!" Bipper yelled between laughter. Mabel continued tickling him for a couple of minutes. Now she was on top of him, placing her hands on her hips, proud of what she had done. You were still confused. Bipper then started crawling then passed out. Bill went out Dipper's body while Dipper replaced him.

"Ughh.." Mabel went to Dipper and knelt down beside him. "Are you okay?" She asked. "Y-yeah. Thanks, Mabe-" Mabel slapped him hard in the face. "MABEL WHAT THE HELL!!" "That's what you get for trusting Bill!! And making him kiss (Y/n)!!" Mabel scolded her 5-min younger brother.

"W-what?!" You were dumbfounded. She sighed. "This will be hard to explain, so bear with me, okay? So Dipper was being a smartass and made a deal with a demon. Then that demon tricked him and stole his body. AND that same demon was the one who kissed you a while ago." You blushed. You were ashamed since you actually returned the kiss, thinking it was Dipper. You blushed even more.

"(Y/n).." Dipper called. You turned to him. "Hm?" "I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry for giving you mixed emotions. It's my fault." "It's fine," You say. "I actually enjoyed the kiss thinking you were the one who kissed me." Dipper blushed.

Oh my god

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