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Wedding bells chimed up above, indicating the start of what was thought to be a day where a young love between two people would be united. Family and friends of the bride and groom hurried into each individual church pew.

There was just one slight problem with this wedding. The was never in love with the bride. He was oblivious to this, however. There was a different girl that jad captured the groom's heart, he just didn't realize it.

His best friend, who he had known since college sat with his family. She was the girl who he had fallen in love with. And the girl knew that. She had fallen for him too. She was just scared, too scared to make the first move. She tried waiting for him to, but he never did. Now she was watching the man she loved with all her heart marry the girl who only wanted him for his money.

The groom was a famous country singer. Not just any country singer, though. No, he was the one and only Luke Bryan. He met his bride at a Nuthouse Christmas party. He had begged his manager, Kerri Edwards to let him date her, as dating fans was highly forbidden. After all his begging, she finally cracked. Only now did Kerri see that this bride of his was a gold digger. But now it was too late. One of the main reasons why it is not okay to date fans.

The girl, Luke's best friend, sat next to his mother, LeClaire. The older woman could sense Caroline's discomfort. She leaned towards hee and smiled slowly. "We don't like her either, Caroline."

"He seems so distant. Like he doesn't want to be there," Caroline observed.

LeClaire rubbed her shoulders. "If you want, crash the wedding. We don't want our son to marry a gold digger, we want him to marry someone who actually loves him. Someone he actually loves."

Tommy nodded in agreement. "And that someone is you, Caroline."

Caroline took in what his parentshad just told her. She'd admit, she was scared, but she loved Luke more than anything. She couldn't live without him.

Just at that moment, the priest looked out into the crowd of people. "If anyone thinks these two shall not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace."

Caroline slowly stood up and took in a deep breath. She was shaking violently. Luke's bride, Elizabeth or Lizzy, put her hand over her mouth. Luke just stared lovingly at Caroline, thanking God for answering his prays. He had hoped someone did this, because he couldn't bring himself to call off the wedding. What made it better was that the love of his life had stood up.

"I'm sorry, Lizzy. I can't sit here and watch him marry you. I know this is gonna hurt you, but I'm in love with your groom. And, honey, I can't deny these feelings. I''m speaking nothing but the truth. So, Luke, if you're willing to, take my hand and we can leave this place."

Luke was shocked, but smiling. He looked at Lizzy, then back at Caroline. He shook his head and leaned in closer to Lizzy. "I'm sorry, but I'm in love with Caroline, not you."

Luke made his way down the aisle to Caroline. He smiled at her. He glanced around at his family, they all seemed happier. Then he glanced towards Lizzy's family. He knew they were growing some sort of hatred towards him. But he didn't care. He was just glad to be free.

"We'll start off slow. Just as friends, like we are now. Is that okay?" Luke questioned.

Caroline nodded and took his hand. He smiled wide. Luke seemed happier now than he did up at the alter. Lizzy made hew way up, she was mad. She stopped in front if Caroline and smacked her across the face. Caroline stumbled backward.

"You are nothing but a slut. I thought you were our friend! Never would I expect one of my best friends to ruin my wedding. So what if you're in love with Luke!? He's already taken!" Lizzy yelled at Caroline.

Luke went to talk some sense into Lizzy, but then LeClaire stood up. "I'll have you know that Caroline is the sweetest girl I know! Did I ever want my son to marry you? No. And that's because I never wanted my baby with a gold digging bitch. He never loved you and I know you don't love him. Caroline, on the other hand, knew him and loved him well before he ever became famous. And he also loved her before then too. Just neither of them had learned about their love for each other until now."

"That's you," Lizzy muttered.

Tommy stood up at that moment. "I agree with his mother."

Kelly gave a small smile to her brother and Caroline. "My baby brother may be growing up and making a life for himself, but he shouldn't have to make a life with a woman he doesn't love. I want my brother to be happy, so I agree with Mama too."

At that point, Luke's friends and family all stood up, stating their thoughts on the matter, agreeing with LeClaire and wanting nothing but the best for Luke. Nobody wanted him to marry Lizzy, that much was clear.

Luke turned to Caroline. "I'm in love with you, Caroline. You have been the love of my life for a long time. Honestly, Lizzy was just a distraction for me, because I didn't think that you felt the same."

"Luke, I do feel the same way. I love you so much," Caroline whispered. She leaned in to kiss him, but everything went black at that moment. She was waking up. It was only a dream.

What was she gonna do? Caroline sat up in her empty bed at her lonely apartment. There was an eerie sound. She still remembered what Luke didn't. The night they lost their virginity together. He was drunk, she was buzzed.

Ever since Luke announced his engagement to Lizzy three months ago, she had been dreaming about crashing the wedding and telling him she loved him. She also kept on having flashbacks about their night together, when they gave themselves up. It's gonna be tough to watch the man she has been in love with for years marry a different girl. She had to do something, she just didn't know what.

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