Chapter 18

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Caroline was leaning against the counter, next to the coffee pot. She was staring at her engagement ring. Right now, it didn't feel real. She was engaged. But she wasn't just engaged, she was engaged to the famous Luke Bryan. And it frightened her. She loved him, but she didn't know if she could handle the fame.

Luke was so sweet last night. He was romantic and he seemed so giddy about her. She was happy to see him excited. Luke may have been engaged before, but he was now engaged to someone he actually loved, and that was okay.

With a sigh, she pulled her phone out and dialed up Leah's phone number. "Hello?"

"Leah, I'm freaking out!" Caroline shouted into the phone.

"Did Luke hurt you?"


"Are you pregnant?"

"No, I'm not pregnant," Caroline answered.

"Then what is it?" Leah asked.

Caroline sucked in a breath. "He proposed! Leah, you're talking to an engaged woman!"

Leah squealed! "Oh, my gosh! That's so exciting! I'm so happy for you!"

"But I'm terrified. This Luke, he's not the Luke I fell in love with. He's now the Luke Bryan! I can't deal with fame and when I marry him, people are gonna treat me like a celebrity instead of a normal person. I love Luke, I always have and always will. I said yes to marrying him, I want to, but I'm not sure I'm ready yet."

"Well, Caroline, I can't help you wih that. Talk to him about it."

"I'm scared about what will happen if I do. I feel like I might be making a mistake saying yes to him, but I do love him. He's everything to me."

There was silence, and Caroline heard sniffles from in the hall. Caroline slowly walked over to the doorway, seeing Luke sittin on the floor, silent tears running down his face. When he saw Caroline, he slid further away and avoided eye contact with her.

"Caroline, I think-"

"Actually, can I call you back?" Caroline asked, her voice slightly cracking.

"Yeah, sure," Leah responded, a hint of confusion and worry in her voice.

Caroline hung up the phone and stuck it in her pocket. "Luke," she whispered, reaching for his hand but he pulled it away. "Baby, please tell what's wrong."

"You think you made a mistake in saying yes? Caroline, you pretty much told your friend you didn't want me to marry you. Did you say yesm because you thought you had to?" Luke asked, practically balling now.

Caroline looked away, she felt horrible. Now Luke was starting think that she didn't love him back. That she either fell out of love or never loved him in the first place. "No, of course not. Luke, I'm in love with you. Do you know why? I never been with anyone other then you. You were my first, and you will sure as hell be my last. You were my first kiss, the first man I held hands with, hugged, just simply loved. You are my prince charming, my knight in shining armour. My true love."

Luke still wouldn't look at her. "But then why did you tell Leah those things? If you truly meant what you just told me, you would've just told her you can't wait to be my wife."


"You know what? Fine! I'll just call off the wedding! You broke my heart, Caroline!" Luke yelled, suddenly just breaking.

Caroline felt tears well up. They hadn't been engaged for a single day and he already was ready to call off the engagement. Caroline broke him in half. She grabbed his arm tightly. Luke didn't try to shake her hand off, he just looked at her. He looked so broken. His eyes were red and puffy, his hair a mess, his lips raw. "You're my soulmate. I said those things, because I'm scared of them fame. But, Luke, you'll be worth it. Don't do anything you'll regret. You're my baby. I need you. I love you. Pleasem don't do this. Don't leave me."

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