Chapter 6

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"I'm am so done with him!" Caroline said angrily over the phone. She had called Leah, her best friend. She just needed someone to vent to. Someone who knew Luke and knew of her love for him. "I hate to say it, but the further he pushes me away, the more I fall out of love."

"What exactly did he do? I mean, he is your best friend," Leah questioned her.

Caroline sighed. "He's just like every other frat boy. Well, was. He lead me on, pretending he was my friend. He made me fall madly in love with him. After a while, he gets his first kiss, then he pretends it didn't happen. Then even more years later, he sleeps with me! I feel so disgusted witb myself. Falling for that lying son of a-"

"Face it, Caroline, you love him. You are not done with him. And when did you and him sleep together and why am I just hearing about his now?"

Caroline rolled her eyes. "I do not need to tell you about my sex life!"

"You do when you're sleeping with someone else's fiance," Leah pointed out. "How did he make you feel?"

"What do you mean?" Caroline asked, lost.

Leah giggled. "I mean," she said, stretching the word mean. "How did you feel when y'all made love."

"Made love," Caroline scoffed. "Yeah, right."

"Fine, had sex. Does that make you feel any better?" Leah said, probably rolling her eyes.

Caroline cringed at the word. It made her feel sick. She felt like a home-wrecker, but he was the one who cheated, not her. "No, not really."

"For Christ's sake, Caroline! How did he make you feel?!" Leah yelled, getting impatient with Caroline's stubbornness.

Caroline picked at the pink nail polish on her finger nails. The polish was now chipping. She had painted hem he night her and Luke... drank too much. She started biting the skin on her upper lip, she always did that when she was nervous. "He made me feel like the only girl in the world. And, might I add, he's incredible in bed. He told me he never slept with Lizzy, and that made me feel so God damn special. Leah, I really thought he was him. Ya know? But, maybe I was wrong."

"You never told me what he said. What horrible words had he chosen to make you pissed off and storm out of his life? He obviously loves you, Caroline. What crazy thing made him think otherwise?" Leah reminded Caroline, asking what made such a man say cruel things. Luke must have been going through something, something that had upset him.

"Well, I don't know what went through his head. I asked him about he kiss, basically poured my heart out to him and, he just loses it. He tells me that the kiss was horrible. He told me he didn't love me. Told me he was marrying Lizzy wether I liked it or not," Caroline explained. "But he had written a song called 'I Know You Don't Love Me.' I figured it was about Lizzy, but when he told me he never loved me, I freaked and said the song was about me and left."

Leah sighed. "Oh, Caroline. He sounds so, broken. Is he going throuh anyhing? Is he depressed about Chris? Did his Daddy kick the bucket? Is he hating his parents' divorce right now? What happened?"

Caroline finally felt the heartbreak. The girl she always thought of as her sister. She finally understood why Luke seemed to be going through mood swings. He was. Maybe he still did love her, but then again, she didn't need anymore heartbreaks. She had to move one from him, no matter how much she loved him. "He lost Kelly."

"Oh, my gosh. I'm so sorry, Caroline," Leah said, her voice cracking. "She was like a sister to me, just as much as she was to you."

Caroline smiled. Kelly had helped Caroline so much. She had only hoped she'd get to see her brother marry who she wanted him to marry. Caroline. Kelly knew Caroline was going to be his bride, but that didn't turn out he way it should have. "She sure was."

Leah pondered some ideas, then snapped her fingers. She knew exactly how to help Luke and Caroline. "Luke's one to get jealous real easily, Caroline. I think I might have an idea. You in?"

"Let's hear it," Caroline sighed. "And it better be good."

Luke laid across his bedm straying at the ceiling. His life was over. He had many empty bottles of Miller Lite laid across the floor. He was now working on a fifth of whiskey. He was drunk as hell and heartbroken. He just wanted her back. The pain never went away. He was, broken. Caroline broke him, or more like Luke broke himself.

Lee had taken the kids home, now wanting them to see their uncle like this. If Luke didn't have alcohol poisoning yet, well, he was gonna get it soon. He seemed to be lifeless. It was like he was dead, but wasn't actually dead at all.

Life now had no meaning. He felt like his whole world had been shifted for the worse. He was head over boots in love with Caroline. Why the hell did he propose to the girl who wanted his money and fame instead of the girl who wanted him and his love?

How dumb was he, really? Luke eyes were bloodshot, his heart pumping too fast. His mind went blank. His limbs went limp. The bottle of whiskey rolled out of his hand and across the floor, spilling its contents on the way. It stopped right next to a broken photo frame of Luke, Caroline, Leah, and Carter. A group photo from when the girls met the guys at Dingus Magee's.

Luke's eyes had turned white, he clenched his eyelids shot. All he could see was blackness. Not any form of light in sight. There was a ringing in his ears, before all went silent. Luke felt himself fading away from his body. Soon, his whole body convulsed and then went limp, all his muscles relaxing.

There, laid in a bed, a lifeless Luke. Either he had alcohol poisoning or he drank himself to death. And Luke's angels up in heaven had prayed that night that God had only made it alcohol poisoning.


A/N: Cliffhanger! Ooh! Y'all are definitely gonna kill me now. How did you like Leah and Caroline's talk? What is Leah's plan? How will Caroline make Luke jealous? Will she actually moving on from him? How is Luke reacting to this heartbreak? Good or bad? Why is he drinking if it's not easing the pain of his broken heart? Is it giving him a sense of comfort? Did Luke drink way too much? He seems lifeless right not. Is it alcohol poisoning or did he drink himself to death? Who will find Luke? Will they find him in time to save his life, or is it already too late? How will Caroline react to Luke's mishap? Or will she even know about it? Hope y'all liked it. Please don't kill me. ~Kelsea

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