Chapter 16

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Luke froze. His heart was beating faster than a Nascar racer drove. He felt sick to his stomach and just could't focus straight. This usually meant bad news. Those words meant bad news. Was Caroline going to break it off with him? Did he scare her? Does she not want to be with him? So many questions and still no answers.

"Caroline, no," Luke mumbled, looking down at his feet.

Caroline's heart was breaking. Luke seemed so broken, but what more could she do? She was scared, terrified actually. She needed time to think. She didn't want to end it with Luke. She loved him. But maybe she needed a break from Luke. A short break. But what if Luke moved on? Caroline shook her head. He wouldn't do that.

She shuffled on her feet. "Luke, I think we need to take a break."

Luke looked up, tears in his eyes. "But, Caroline, we can work this out. Whatever it is. Please."

Caroline shook her head. "You know I don't like talking about marriage. It scares me. What if you hurt me? What if we end up getting divorce? What if the love fades away? What if one of us cheats? Luke, I can't stress over those things. Any girl could have you, and you could-"

"No, Caroline. I wouldn't cheat on you. I love you, and that'll never end. We don't have to get married now, or tomorrow, or even ever. Whatever makes you comfortable," Luke paused, reaching for Caroline's hands and squeezing them tight. "The doctor thinks I'm depressed. She thinks that is what's causing me to oversleep. Caroline, she thinks us not committing enough to each other could be stressing me out. I can't lose you, Caroline."

Caroline let go of his hands and backed away slowly. "Luke, that's too much to put over me. I love you, but I can't carry that information around with me."

Luke felt his heart plummet deep into his stomach. "Caroline-" he said, his voice cracking. "I love you."

Caroline shook her head. "Luke, I really can't handle this. Us, it scares me. You're my best friend. You're more than my best friend. But, Luke, I don't know if I'm ready to be my best friend's wife."

Luke looked down. He wiped his tears away and turned out the door. "It's fine, I'll find someone else."

Caroline's heart dropped as Luke said those words. They cut her hard. She hadn't intended on breaking up, just take a break. Being alone for maybe a week. No. Luke couldn't move on. She couldn't either. Caroline knew she had made a stupid decision and knew she had to fix it. Before Luke could walk out the door, Caroline grabbed his hand.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said any of those things. I lov-"

Luke didn't listen for a moment longer, he pressed his lips to Caroline's, backing her up against a wall. Caroline was startled at first, but soon relaxed into the kiss, tangling her fingers into his soft hair. The kiss had felt more electric than any other kiss she's ever had. It was intense and passionate, and Caroline couldn't help but think that the reason why it was more powerful than most kisses was because it was a kiss to save their relationship. Luke didn't want to lose Caroline sooner than he should. Or was he not meant to lose her at all?

Luke finally pulled away. "Caroline, we don't have to jump into anything right away. We have a while yet before we can think about marriage. Please don't think I was proposing."

Caroline looked down. "But is it worth it? I could still lose you, Luke. You will break my heart more than once during the future, you have broken my heart."

"And you've broken mine. Caroline, you're doing it right now. Please, give us some time. I can't lose you, baby. I love you so much, I've never meant something so much before."

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