Chapter 8

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Caroline was sitting in her chair, impatiently waiting on news of Luke. She had knees up to her chest, her arms wrapped tightly around her legs and her forehead gently on her knees. Lee was sitting in the chair next to her, snoreing peacefully. Caroline longed to be in a peaceful sleep, but she just couldn't stop thinking about the worst. Luke could die. And it'd be all her fault. She wasn't... Luke wasn't safe around her. Not anymore. She had to stop bein his friend to protect him. This didn't mean she loved him anyless, of course.

Caroline sighed and reached into her bag, pulling out her kobo. Her relationship with Luke really was a romantic tragedy. A love story gone wrong. She'd live with the regret and Luke, well, she didn't even know if he had a future or not.

Caroline started reading The Longest Ride, her all time favourite story. She loved how a city girl fell in live with a rodeo boy. What were their names? Oh, right, Luke and Sophia. And the two different love stories that tied together with the other was so cute. They were... Ira and Ruth. Caroline will never forget that rwist ending. It sure wasn't a tragedy for Luke and Sophia, however, it was for Ira and Ruth. That's what Caroline figured would be her and Luke. They'd get somewhat of the same story as Ira and Ruth. Except, they wouldn't grow old together.

Caroline closed he kobo's case, not wanting to read anymore. She took a glanced at he clock. Two hours have past. Why hasn't anyone come to tell her how Luke was? What was happening in that little room of his?

The doctors had tried everything they could. Their patient, Luke, was in God's hands now. It would be highly unlikely that Luke would make it out alive. If his brother-in-law hadn't called 911 when he found Luke, he would be dead at this very moment. And he still could die. Luke would be a very lucky man if he were to make. Hardly anyone can get alcohol poisoning and live through it. It's a near death experience.

"Someone needs to tell the family. Bring them in for one last finale goodbye before he dies. Who is willing to do that?" the first doctor said.

"I'll do it, as much as it will kill me to," a nurse with long blonde hair and hazel eyes said. She made her way out to Luke's family and was shocked to see Caroline waiting there on someone. Why was she waiting for Luke Bryan? How was it possible for her colleague or co-worker to know this rising star? Or fading star as it seems at this moment.

Caroline stood up, seeing Raelynn. She was one of Caroline's co-workers. She smiled. "Rae, hey girl. How's work right now?"

"Not good, Carol. One of our patients might be dying today," Raelynn sighed as she look down.

Caroline also frowned. "It's Luke isn't it? Luke Bryan?"

Raelynn nodded. "I'm afraid so, Caroline. How do you know him?"

"That rising star, he's been my best friend since college. He and I go way back. I actually started falling in love with him."

"Is that why you haven't dated anybody after Nathan?" Raelynn questioned with a smirk.

"Oh, stop," Caroline said as she punched Raelynn's arm playfully.

"Do you want to say your finale goodbye to Luke?" Raelynn got serioud again.

Caroline looked down, just nodding. She couldn't speak at this point. She wanted Luke to feel like he was loved, even if he'd be gone.

The walk to Luke's room seem to have felt like miles away, but in reality, it was just a few feet to the left. Raelynn let Caroline talk to Luke privately. Caroline set next to Luke, grabbing his now cold hand.

"Hey, baby," Caroline whispered. She looked away for a moment and than back at Luke. "Luke, you know you're making a huge mistake doing this. I'm really sorry his happened to you. I feel extremely guilty about it. How you holding up? Can you here me?"

Caroline squeezed Luke's hand even tighter. "I know I'm not suppose to love you, but I do. I can't help it. Thomas Luther Bryan is the love of my life. Nothing will change that. Gosh darn it, Luke. I just really need you to wake up. I need you to see that I was wrong just as much as you were. I need you. Do you hear me? I need the man of my dreams to make it. You're the love of my life, Luke. Not Lizzy. And Nathan's not mine. But you are and I know you feel the same about me, or I hope you do. Luke, I love you. Now that God is taking you home, I feel like I'll never be complete again. I love you and goodbye. I'm sure as hell gonna mis you, Luke."

Caroline slowly released her grip from Luke's cold hand. This would be the last time she ever would hold his hand. Caroline felt a lump forming in her throat and she tried to swallow it down. She could feel herself crying. She wiped the tears from her eyes and leaned down. She gently pressed her lips to Luke's. She then pullef away, brushed his bangs to the side of his face wih her hand and slightly smiled.

"Goodbye, Luke," Caroline said, a single tear sliding down her cheek and dripping off of Caroline's face and landing on Luke's. Caroline knew she would never love again. Her heart was and always will be Luke's. The regret would never go away. She caused him to drink himself to death. This was all her fault. Caroline never hated herswlf morw than she did now, but that was life.

She didn't know how she would move on without Luke. She knew where she was going to go though. Caroline was going to go to Muckalee Creek, sit on the pier where her and Luke used to fish and take a nice long swig of an ice cold Miller Lite.

She took one look at Luke, wiped a tear off away, and then she was gone. A doctor then came in to deal with Luke when he heard a groan and then saw movement from the bed. Luke slowly started to wake up. His eyes were still closed, however.

"Caroline, baby, I love you too," Luke whispered, his voice hoarse. When he opened his eyes, Caroline was gone. There was nothing but a doctor in the room. Luke couldn've sworn Caroline was just in there confessing her feelings for him, but maybe he imagined it. He mentally kicked himself for it. "Hey, doc? Was there a pretty blonde with blue eyes in here?"

The doctor turned to Luke nodding. "Yes, she just left," he smiled, going back to work. At that moment, everything seemed to click for the doctor. He looked back at Luke to see he was alive. "Holy shit, you're not dead! I better get your doctor!" and just like that, he was gone.

Luke was left there, confused. "What in the hell happened to me last night and where is Caroline?"


A/N: Caroline thought Luke was dead! And confessed her feelings once more! But she left. Will Caroline find out Luke's alive? Will they find Caroline? What will they tell Luke? What about Lee? Was he told anything? How will the doctors react to Luke suddnely waking up? Thanks for reading! And I need name suggestions for a story I want to write and publish. I will post it on Wattpad first of course! I need a first and last name for both a guy and a girl! Leave your suggestions down below! Remember, it's not a fanfiction! Although, there will be a new fanfic after this one. Thanks, guys! ~Kelsea

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