Chapter 15

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Caroline called up her friend Teddy. She was an excellent and specialized in personal health, so she would know what to do. Currently, she was on her way over. As Caroline and Luke waited, they were on the couch, Caroline sitting up as Luke laid along the length of the couch, his head on Caroline's lap. They watched Forrest Gump.

Luke was getting worse and worse each day, and that worried Caroline. She had looked up what could happen to a person if the overslept. She found out that there would be an increase chance of heart failure or even death. She didn't tell Luke, however. The worse she could do was scare him. Instead, she called up Teddy and asked her to figured what was goun on with Luke.

Keeping Luke awake had its own problems, though. He had been working so hard lately, and he had been pretty drowsy. Caroline saw him close his eyes, but then shake his head awake. She hated to see him struggle.

Caroline started running her fingers through his hair. "Babe, you want some coffee? It'll keep you awake."

Luke looked up at her and then yawned. "No, I don't."

"Honey, you need something to keep you awake," Caroline sighed.

"Why is it so bad if I sleep during the day?"


Luke shook his head and proceeded to cut her off. "Damn it, Caroline! I need to know. Why can't I sleep?"

Caroline began to tear up. If she didn't tell Luke, and he took naps behind her back, could she lose him? She had to tell him the truth. She couldn't keep it a secret anymore. "If you oversleep, I looked it up on Google, there's an increased risk of death. I could lose you, Luke. I can't bear the thought that you won't be there forever. And if that happens tomorrow..."

"You're not gonna lose me, Caroline. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever. I love you. You have to believe that."

Caroline looked down. "But that's not true and you know that. Love, it doesn't last forever, Luke. I want to believe you'll be there forever, but you won't. You're going to find a girl who makes you happier than I ever will."

Luke sat up, swinging his legs off the couch and standing up. He walked over to Caroline, so that he was in front of her. Bending down, he started to caress her cheek. "Caroline, you're wrong."

"No, I'm not. I know you won't stay. All men end up leaving."

Luke looked down. His heart was breaking, but he didn't want to pretend. Not anymore. He wasn't going to hide his feelings anymore. He couldn't. "I'm not most men. I'm Luke. I'm the love of your life. I would never leave you. I love you too much. How can I leave you? You're everything I ever wanted. Believe it or not, but I dreamed of finding my princess. Disney movies made me think about stuff like that. I wanted to be a prince too. Find a girl and fall in love with her," Luke paused for a brief second. "And look, here you are. I found my princess. You're here. I love you. I love you so much, I can't sleep at night without you. I need to know where you are, what you're doing. I need to know if you're thinking about me just as I'm thinking about you. Caroline, you can't say I'll leave you. Sure, other men have, but I'm not them. Those men, they left you so that you could find me. Those heartbreaks, those long nights when you cried, thpse were all leading up to me. I'm your boyfriend, but I also intend to be your husband. I love you to the moon and back, I love you so much, that if you count the stars in the sky, they still won't add up to how much I love you. I can't even begin to comprehend how much I love you or even how. I just... do."

Caroline had tears in her eyes. She gently pushed Luke away and ran up the stairs, locking herself in her room. Why was she afraid? She knew she loved him back, but she just didn't understand how. She had no clue why he loved that much. Love, that's what scares her. She was afraid of heartbreak, even more afraid of breaking Luke's heart. Why did he love her? What made her stand out? Luke could have anybody, including famous people. But why her? She didn't know.

Luke looked down. "Damn it! Why you scare her, Luke?! You know she's afraid of commitment!" he scolded himself.

He knew he should go talk to Caroline, but he couldn't. At that moment, Luke began to feel lightheaded. He was drowsy still, but he had to stay awake. Besides, the doctor would be here soon. He walked over to the kitchen and poured himself some coffee. Instead of putting hazelnut creamer in his coffee, like usual, he just drank it black. He started to wake up a little and walked over to the couch, watching Forrest Gump again and sipping his coffee, wandering why Caroline ran away from him after he poured his heart out to her.

A knock sounded on the door and Luke got up to answer it. The doctor came in, Teddy. She was a tall brunette with blue eyes. Lule shook her hand and lead her to the living room. Teddy gave him a concerned look. "You okay, Luke?"

He shook his head. "I don't know, Caroline ran from me. She's scared of commitment and I kinda told her I wanted to be her husband. I didn't propose, but she's acting like I did. I'm guessing she doesn't want me to marry her."

"Luke," Teddy shook her head. "Caroline is an odd one. She masks her feelings, but she will want to marry you. I promise. Don't overthink it."

"It's kinda hard not to," Luke mumbled.

Teddy sighed. "I think you're depressed. You're overthinking your relationship with Caroline and are still missing your brother. Depression leads to oversleeping, which needs to stop. How have you been staying awake?"

"Just coffee," Luke said, not commenting on the supposed depression she said he had.

"I'll prescribe you some anti-depressants. Take them accordingly. Also, try not to overthink things. You'll be okay. I don't want you getting health problems over sleeping too much. Oher than that, you're fine. You seem to be recovering from the flu, so that's good."

Luke smiled wide. "Thank you."

Teddy got up and cleaned up her stuff. She walked over towards the door, but before leaving, she turned to Luke. "And, Luke?"

"Yes?" Luke looked up at her.

"Talk to Caroline about this commitment problem."

"Will do," Luke responded as Teddy vanished out the door. Now to talk to Caroline, which would be the hardest thing he had to do.

Caroline decided that after what felt like hours, she had to talk to Luke. She got off the bed and walked over to the doot, she slowly opened it, only to see Luke about to knock on it. Caroline took in a deep breath. "We need to talk."


A/N: Uh, oh. Nobody likes to here those words come out of their significant other's mouth. What will they talk about? Do you think Luke's afraid? Can you believe that Luke was depressed the whole time? Is Caroline really afraid of commitment ot is it something else? Let me know what you think! And I am ending this story, like I said in the author note thingy. It'll probably be in a few chapters. Five maybe? Also, I'm glad y'all thought the author note thingy was funny. I replied to everyone's comments, which I'm proud that I did. The new story will be called Centre of His Word, that's all I'm saying. (Yes, I spelled Centre right. That's how we spell it in Canada.) See y'all later! ~Kelsea

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