Chapter 12

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Caroline rolled over, but realized she wasn't in her own bed in her own home. Did you get drunk at a bar and have a one night stand with some random guy? Then all the memories came flooding back and Caroline remembered her night with Luke. But where was he?

She sighed, wrapping a blanket around herself and gettin out of his bed. She knocked on the washroom door, but there was no answer. She bent down to pick up the shirt Luke had on the night before, slipping it on. She then slipped on some panties and dropped the blanket, making her way towards the staircase.

She put her hair in a messy bun, before getting to the bottom of the stairs. She didn't see Luke anyway. This worried her. What if last night meant nothing?

She saw some flowers on the counter and walked over to them. They had been addresses to Luke, but with no name on the card. She never bought him flowers, and Luke was allergic to this particular species of flower. She grabbed them and chucked them out the door. Who brought them?

Caroline heard a knock on the front door when she sat down. When she opened the door, she saw a worried Luke. "Baby, you're okay!" he exasperated, wrapping his arms around her.

"Why'd you knock on your own door?" Caroline questioned him.

"I got a nasty text. Someone said they were going to hurt you. I was so scared."

Caroline shook her head. This was all too much. She peeked over Luke and saw a small black car, a person watching them intently. "Luke, I don't feel safe here. Someone had flowers laid out on the counter for you."

"What?!" Luke yelled. "I didn't accept any and there wasn't any there when I left on my run."

Caroline looked down. "I think it's Nathan. What if he saw us sleep together?"

"Don't be ridiculous, Caroline. Why would anyone want to watch us do that?" Luke questioned, raising an eyebrow. "That's between you and me. We should be the only two to experiment that."

Caroline turned away from the door and went straight to Luke's room. A wide window, although the curtains were drawn, it wasn't that hard to see a couple having a private night in his room. Caroline glanced towards the bed. It was in perfect view of the window.

Luke finally came through the door. "Caroline, nobody was watching us sleep together. Why are you so-"

Luke was cut off by the buzz of his phone. Welcome home, Luke. You're lucky you got here when you did, Caroline was quite peaceful sleeping when I came in. Attached to the text was a photo of Caroline, the covers only covering her bottom half. Luke was clenching his fists together. He reached for Caroline's yoga pants and tossed them to her. "Get dressed, we're leaving."

"Were are you going?" Caroline questioned him.

"To deal with a man who thinks it's funny to take pictures of my girl," Luke said, furious. He made his way toward the door before Caroline reached for his shoulder.

"Luke, please don't," she begged.

Luke shook his head and continued on his way. He marched straight out of the house and towards the small black car. He opened the door and dragged the man out. Nathan. Of course it was him.

"What the fuck is your problem!?" Luke shouted. "Leave my girlfriend alone! Leave me alone! Stop harassing us! This is illegal and wrong."

Nathan rolles his eyes. "You treat her like shit! You wouldn't even tell her you fucking love her for I don't know how many years!"

"This has nothing to do with you. Just leave us alone!"

Nathan didn't say anyhing, instead he attacked Luke. Luke laid unconcious on the ground after about an hour of brawling. Luke was so weak, he couldn't even hold himself up. He was out, like a light.

Caroline ran out of the house after seeing the horrid fight. "Baby! Oh, God, baby wake up!" she cried, shaking Luke. "What did he do to you?"

Caroline was laying in a hospital chair, waiting on Luke to regain conciousness. She was ready to get Nathan in jail for stalking and assault. Attempted murder should be a charge too, considering that she was left fearing for Luke's life. Who would want to hurt her love? Of course Nathan just wanted her back, but beating up the man she loved made it worse on his part, not better. Nor did that photo he texted Luke did. She was for sure pressing charges, nothing could change her mind on the. Caroline wanted to protect Luke, because he went after that guy to protect her.

Luke heard nothing but a ringing noise. Everything was black. Why black. Why was it so dark? Nothing made sense. Where was Caroline? He wanted to feel her lips on his, wrap his arms around her. Cuddle her until he felt okay and safe again.

Then he remembered. Nathan. The man had broke into his house and took pictures of the girl he had sleeping in his bed. Of course theyhad slept together the night before, so the girl was naked. But she wasn't just any girl, she was the live of his life and hopefully, his future girlfriend.

Luke knew he had to get rid of Nathan. But he could do was lay there on the ground, or wherever he was, and groan at the slightest touch. It was going to be a long time before he'd come face to face with Nathan again and get to set him straight omce and for all.


A/N: Short update, I know. First, what the hell's up with Nathan? And will Luke get to solve he problem, let alone recover? First guys, my pet peeve is when someone complains about snow. I'm Canadian, so I find it rather insulting. Sorry. So please don't complain about it on Twitter. Kay? Also, I have a few shoutouts to make.

metalcountry Congrats on the pregnancy to his one. Tell your husband on Valentines Day, that'd be cute! Read all her stories, especially Shotgun!

LifeIsLukeBryan She is an amazing author and has made the covers to all my fanfics, but the T-Rhett one. Read Temporarily Yours, it's my favourite of her.

s_escarcega15 This girl writes amazing fanfics! Check out Indiana Summer and Roots and Wings!

brookekirila She is amazing and I'm glad I'm a ham. Check out The boy in The Hayloft and Water Under the Bridge!

That's all! Thanks, guys! ~Kelsea

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