Chapter 21

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"You looked stressed," Carter pointed out as he walked onto the bus. Luke was sitting on the couch, his head in his hands.

"I'm worried Caroline. She's had some severe morning sickness before I left and-" Luke himself off, realizing he had just told his best friend the news.

"Morning sickness? Luke is she?" Carter questioned.

Luke slowly looked at Carter, who was patiently waiting to here the news. "Yes," he breathed.

Carter smiled. "Oh, you're going to be a dad?! Congrats, buddy!"

Carter gave Luke a brohug and high-fived him. Luke smiled, it was good to let it out. He's only been on tour for a week and it had been difficult to keep the secret from everyone.

"I can't believe that I had helped create life. Carter, this feeling is so surreal. I'm going to be somebody's daddy. I can't believe it."

Carter had a huge grin on his face. "I can't believe it either. You're gonna be a great dad, Luke. I can guarantee it."

"Oh, and I'll be married soon too. My life is all coming together so fast and I don't know if I can keep up with it," Luke chuckled.


Caroline was letting out her whole stomach into the toilet. Tears were streaming down her face as she lost everything she had eaten that day.

Her mother, however, kept reassuring her that the first baby was always the toughest, because the body isn't use to creating a life. All the hormones had shifted.

Caroline didn't want to regret becoming pregnant, they definitely weren't trying to become pregnant, but she couldn't help but feel like she wish there was no baby for a least half a year after they were married. But on other days, Caroline think about Luke's huge smile and remember the miracle that they had created. He was excited to be a daddy and she had to remember that.

Luke doesn't know the pain a woman can go through while pregnant, but he tries his best to understand and take of her. He loved her after all.

But now, she really needed him and he was halfway across the country. If he were to try and come home, people would get suspicious and dig around until they find out the truth.

The best she could think of was Leah. She could help her through the pregnancy while Luke was gone, she just had to tell her she is pregnant first.

She called her best friend, shaking from the excitement. Caroline wondered if Luke had told Carter yet. He mostly likely did, he was bad at keeping things to himself. Luke always had to tell someone something.

"Hey, Carol. What's up?"

"I'm not doing too good. Luke's gone and I need a little help. I, uh, have morning sickness."

"No, you don't," Leah chuckled. "Don't be silly."

Caroline sighed, apparently she didn't understand. "Yes, I do. Leah, I'm pregnant."

"How?" Leah questioned, shocked.

She laughed. "Well, when a man loves a woman-"

"No, seriously, was this on purpose? Did you know before you got engaged?"

"I was pregnant before we got engaged, but I found out a little bit later after he proposed. I'm three months in," she explained.

Leah squealed and Caroline laughed at her eagerness. "I'm so happy for you guys!"

"Thank you. But don't tell anyone, Luke has told Carter and I've told you, but that's it. Other than our parents of course."

"Have you told Bo and Amy?" Leah questioned.

Caroline wanted to wait before she told her siblings about the baby. She didn't know how they'd react to their baby sister being pregnant. And Bo wasn't sure if Caroline should even be getting married yet, so it'd shock him.

"No, not yet. I want Luke there with me to tell everyone the news. We obviously don't want to tell the before we're married. Maybe closer to Halloween. I could wear a costume with a zombie coming out of my belly or something."

"Okay, your secret's safe with me."


Luke was biting his lip. He had been worried about Caroline for far too long and still hadn't heard a word from her.

"I'm worried," Luke told Carter.

"And I've told you for the millionth time that you don't need to worry about her. I know she's carrying your baby, but God wouldn't have blessed y'all with the bundle of joy if she wasn't ready."

He slowly nodded, agreeing with Carter on the situation at hand. "It's just that I haven't heard from her in a while. If something were to happen to her, I don't know what I would do."

"And nothing is going to happen to her. She's going to be just fine, just focus on your music for now."

Luke scratched the back of his head. "Uh, this is my first baby, how am I suppose to know if she'll be nervous or not?"

"Buddy, it's her first too. Trust me, you're not alone. You have all of us and you're just gonna have to have faith that your little one and your fiancée will be just fine."

Luke looked away smiled to himself. There are plenty of things he can do to help. And his baby will be born healthy. He just hated to be away from her while she needed him most. He was a key part in the pregnancy and he didn't want to leave Caroline to do everything on her own.

"Look at it this way, you just have a couple more shows before Halloween, before the tour is over. Then you can be with her for a bit until February. Right?" Carter smiled.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I'm just shocked that in a few short months I'll be a dad."

"Luke, you already are a daddy. You don't need to wait until the baby's born to be a dad," Carter chuckled.

Luke laughed. "That's true."

"You're going to be just fine," Carter assured.

Luke knew he was right. Everything was going to be just fine and no one could argue otherwise. Soon he would be married and have a child of his own. Life was only getting better. It was inevitable.

He couldn't wait to see what his new life would bring him.

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⏰ Última actualización: Oct 29, 2016 ⏰

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