Chapter 10

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"Luke, I'm engaged," the words cut him like a razor blade. They had rolled so easily off her tongue, as if she didn't regret saying yes. Luke couldn't put a face on this dude that she was supposedly engaged to. He wanted to just ran away. He want to pretend that he didn't love her. How come he's the week one. He should've known that he'd be the one waking up lonely in the night, wishing that this heartache would go away. He just didn't understand. What made Caroline leave? This new man, he'd get all the love. This only would make him miss her even more. He got the picture, but this didn't stop her from being the perfect kind of pretty he liked. Luke knew, that at this very moment, it was just over.

"Who's the lucky guy?" Luke asked, his voice cracking. What was it with him? He couldn't even mask his feelings. Bit what could he say? She was her first love song. No, she actually was. The first love song her wrote was about her.

"His name is-"

"Caroline! You better not be talking to any other men! You're mine!" a man's voice said, sternly. Luke knew something was up with that. No normal man would say that to his fiance. Or had he known that Caroline slept with Luke once? Was this man jealous, or maybe Luke himself was jealous. He didn't know.

Lee shook Luke awake. "Luke, buddy, you okay?"

Luke sat up, a little groggily. He opened his eyes, only to have them stinging in the bright room. Luke wasn't use to waking up in a white room, his room was a dark blue. "Y-yeah," Luke stammered. "But I think Caroline is moving on."

"What makes you say that? She's madly in love with you. I'd be surprised if she did move on," Lee pointed out.

Luke looked down. He knew he shouldn't of been thinking so negative, but he couldn't help but think that his dream meant something. That Caroline would move on. "I screwed up. She will move on."

"Gosh, I'm sorry, Luke," Lee sighed. "But just remember, things can and will turn around."

Caroline sat in an old coffee shop. She breathed in the scent of coffee, the most amazing scent in the world. Then she remembered the smell of Luke's cologne. She shook her head, she couldn't keep harping on him. She didn't need him. He had been the stupid one. What Caroline needed was an escape out. But what?

A young man, younger than Luke, walked in. He was about her age. He had toned muscles and chestnut brown hair. He looked at her and smiled, letting Caroline see his sparkling blue eyes. He slowly walked up to her after he had gotten his coffee. "Hello, I'm Tristan," he said, reaching out a hand.

Caroline took it, but a sudden sense of guilt flooded through her. "Caroline. I'm sorry, but I need to go," Caroline said, hoping her excuse to leave would work.

Tristan could see through it, however. "Why, do I make you feel uncomfortable? I'm not looking for a relationship if that's it. Besides, it's quite obvious that a different man has your heart."

Caroline gave him a look. "How do you know?"

"Well, I can see that your makeup is a mess, you look tired, so you must of been driving late at night. You came here for a break from him. He has upset you and it broke your heart. But, Caroline, I can see that you know in your heart that he did nothing wrong. Perhaps he's just scared. You look makes that clear for everyone to see. That, and I know a thing or two about fights. My girlfriend and I had been in a fight just as you two have been. It'll work out, I promise."

"But what if it doesn't?"

"But what if it does?" Tristan countered. "That man has to love you with all his heart, otherwise this fight wouldn't of happened. Caroline, people fight. It's how they express their feelings. Why don't you go back to him and talk it through?"

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