Chapter 20

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Caroline was looking at a gift bag, seeing if it was missing anything, when Luke staggered down the stairs. He was hungover from the night before. Caroline smiled at him and handed him the gift.

"What's this?" he asked in his morning voice.

"I meant to give this to you last night as an engagement gift, but you got too drunk."

He reached into the bag to pull out a long box and a card. He opened the card first and then the box.

Congrats an the engagement, Daddy!

"That's not really appropriate, babe," Luke responded, raising his eyebrows.

"It's not me saying it," Caroline answered vaguely.

Luke looked at the gift, a pregnancy test, and put two and two together. Tears rolled down his face.

A smile slowly crept on his face. "How far?"

"Three months."


"March sixteenth. But it might happen later."

He hugged her as he was crying on her shoulder. "I didn't think you had a chance of getting pregnant."

"You know, I was hinting towards it. I'm surprised you didn't pick up on that," Caroline pointed out.

"I thought you were saying after we got married, not in less than nine months. Buy I'm happy. I can't wait to meet our little bundle of joy," Luke smiled as he placed his hand on her stomach.

Caroline couldn't help but smile. Sure, they had been fighting recently. And yeah, they were getting married soon, but this baby will still be loved and it will have an amazing father. She couldn't wait to tell the rest of their family the Baby Bryan was on its way.

Later, Luke was scrolling through Twitter and smiled when he read his fans tweets congratulating them on their engagement. He couldn't wait until they were able to tell them about the pregnancy.

It was like Caroline had a new glow to her. She was carrying a little life with her, one that he had helped create. It was just magical.

She came up behind the couch and wrapped her arms loosely around his neck and laid head on his shoulder, looking at his Twitter. "What are you thinking about?"

"When we can tell everyone the news. I'm so excited."

"I was actually worried you were gonna be mad at me," Caroline whispered.

Luke put his phone down and reached one hand up and laid it on her arm. "Why would I be mad? I'm going to be a daddy. That's amazing news."

"I don't know. I heard from some people that their husbands got extremely upset when they shared the news. They flipped shit and yelled at them. I figured with you being a country singer and all, that you would be worried about your career with a new baby. Especially the tabloids."

"People had been saying whoever I was with was pregnant for years. I could care less about the tabloids. And, baby, I'm not the kind of man to walk out on someone who's expecting his child. Besides, I love you too much to do that."

Caroline kissed the side of his temple. "I'm lucky to have you," she whispered.

"I'm luckier, because I have you," Luke cheekily said.

Caroline blushed, but she didn't look away. She really was lucky to have him. It didn't matter what all had happened to them before, they were here now.

"So, when do we get to see our baby?" Luke questioned as he was looking back on his phone.

"Um, next week. You don't have a show do you?"

Luke shrugged. "If it lands on the day I have a show, then I'll make something up to get out of it. It's really no problem."

I smiled. This man was gonna be there every step of the way. "Are you sure? Also, honey, people can't know I'm pregnant."

Luke huffed. "I know, I know. I don't want them to know either, but I have to tell somebody, Carol. It's eating me alive."

"Only Carter, Luke. And you have to make him swear he won't tell a single person about this. Got it?"

Luke smiled and pulled her in for a kiss. He was going to be a father soon and he was also going marry the love of his life. Life couldn't be anymore perfect than it already was.

He was hoping that everything goes well for them. He wanted no more drama, no more fights.

"I can't help but feel like my life's perfect," Luke whispered as tears went rolling down his face. "You're perfect."

"I'm so happy that you are excited," Caroline teared up. "I love you, babe."

"I'm gonna be a dad," Luke cried again. "This has to be a dream!"

Caroline giggled. "Nope, this here is reality, baby. You really are going to be a daddy."

"Oh, my God. Baby, this is- I love you!" Luke cried out, pulling her close and giving her a passionate kiss. It still didn't feel real to him. And it probably won't until he sees that baby. But he couldn't be any more happy than he already was.


A/N: It's short, but it's been a while. This was needed to be updated. ~Kelsea

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