Chapter 6

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Third Person P.O.V

After the shock of electricity hit Phil, Ana and her siblings finally got the machine to turn off.

"Phil are you okay?" Ana asked worriedly.

There was no answer coming from the glass room, nor did they see him moving.

"Open the door guys!" Ana yelled at her siblings. They opened the door to find Phil dropped to the ground.

"He's not breathing." Luke said checking his pulse.

"No. No. No. No. No. This wasn't supposed to happen they were all supposed to live! I was supposed to let them go in about a week!" Ana said crying at her mistake.

"What should we do with the body?" Jen asked with almost no emotion, except a hint of regret.

"Just take it to the morgue. I'll tell the others." Ana said.

Dan's P.O.V

Ian, Anthony, and I all sat in silence. I kept feeling like something bad had happened to Phil.

Then the lights started flickering on and off for a minute then stopped.

"What was that?" Ian asked worriedly.

"I hope that isn't a sign to how Phil is doing." Anthony said making me worry 10x more than I already was.

We sat there for what felt like an eternity when her voice came on. I stood up hoping for her to tell us good news, that she was about to return Phil to the room. But that is not what happened.

"I'm sorry to tell you this guys." The girl said sounding like she was trying not to break down and cry. "B-but Phil is dead." This time a sob escaping.

My world came crashing down. My knees collapsed underneath me. In less than 2 minutes my entire universe had been destroyed. Ian and Anthony came over to comfort me. They were trying very hard not to cry but failing.

"I'm sorry." The voice said regaining control of her emotions. "We'll start testing again in a day."

"WHAT, NO!" Anthony screamed in anger. "You've already taken enough from us. Don't you think you should stop after already killing one of our friends?!?"

"Look, I'm sorry you're friend is dead I really am. But science doesn't stop advancing for one death. I'm trying another machine tomorrow. Ian you're going to be my test subject goodnight." With thaat she was gone.

"No! You can't take Ian from us! From me!" With that he stopped screaming. Anthony looked like he had revealed the biggest secret about himself.

Ian and I stared at Anthony for a bit before he stuttered the excuse. "U-um I m-m-mean like she can't take my best friend away." Not convincing Ian or I that's what he meant. With that he turned away and told us he was going to sleep for a bit. This left Ian and I alone to talk to each other.

"Dan, I'm so sorry about Phil."

"It's fine. It's not like it was your fault.

By this time I was starting to cry.

"W-w-why d-did i-it have t-to b-be Phil?" I sobbed.

Ian came over a started to comfort me.

"I don't know. I know you've got to be hurting it doesn't take a genius to figure out you and Phil were close. It's okay you can cry all you want."

Ian and I fell asleep soon our faces wet with tears.


A/N Okay I was literally on the verge of tears writing this chapter. I am so sorry, please don't hate me :~( But anyway my little rainbows goodbye!

Check out the DanandPhilGAMES video up above ^^^^

P.S Merry Christmas! Or if you don't celebrate Christmas, Happy *enter what you celebrate here*!!! Hope you all are enjoying life :)

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