Chapter 20

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Phil's P.O.V.

I. Have. Powers. What is even happening right now? A thousand thoughts ran through my brain as I looked at the place the cut had just been on Dan's arm. I was still trying to process what had just happened when Ana came on the intercom.

"You have got to be kidding me! I can't even kill anyone for fun anymore because you'll just heal them! I should've left you dead, you rat. I guess I could try to kill you Philip. Although, I could make money off of you."

I didn't know what to say, thankfully though Dan was there.

"Don't you dare lay a hand on him!" He venomously spat out as he pulled me into his arms protectively. 

"Or what?" Ana laughed evilly

"Or I will make you pay." He was seething now.

"Fine, I'll leave him alone. For now." With that she was gone again.

"I won't let her touch you Phil." He whispered to me as he strongly embraced me. At this moment I was glad Dan was taller than me as he made me feel more protected.

I looked over at Ian and Anthony. They were hugging and were also chatting away. As I watched them an listened to their conversation I could see why they were best friends. They were laughing and making conversation in a way only best friends could. Just like Dan and I, Ian and Anthony truly were quite a pair when they were left to themselves. They belonged together.

Ian's P.O.V.

I was so happy to have my voice back. I missed actually talking to Anthony. He may be my boyfriend, but he's also my best friend. We talked for a little while, but then we got dragged back to reality as food was pushed through the door. 

"I don't exactly feel like eating." I said looking at the small plate of food.

"I don't think any of us do." Phil responded.

Ana came on the intercom. "Eat or face punishment." Then went away again.

"What if one of us eats the food and if something happens Phil can heal us." Anthony said. We all looked towards Phil.

"B-but what if I can't heal you for some reason? I've only known about these powers for a little bit and I've only used them twice."

"It's the only chance we've got Phil" Dan softly spoke. "Even though she can't hurt us when you're around she can take you away."

Phil sighed. "Okay." 

We then quickly decided Dan would eat the food. As Dan stepped towards the food Phil grabbed his arm turned him around and quickly kissed him. "Just in case." Phil said quietly while giving him a small, sad smile.

With that Dan went, picked up the food and took a bite. We waited for something to happen, but nothing did. He then went and picked up a glass of water and took a sip. Instantly he fell to the ground.

"Dan!" Phil screamed. He ran up and touched Dan on the arm. Dan instantly sat up coughing, he looked at Phil and kissed him.

"I actually died." Dan said once they broke apart. "I was dead and you brought me back."

"H-how do you know you were dead?" Phil asked.

"Because there was nothing. It was dark and awful and I was gone from the world. It may have been a few seconds here, but there it had already felt like an eternity because you weren't with me." He then quickly kissed Phil again.

"So I can actually bring people, back from the dead?!?" Phil looked shocked and pale even paler then he normally was.

"Phil?" I asked. 

Phil then fell to the ground shaking. It was much like what had happened to me earlier just without the throwing up blood and convulsing.

"No! No, no, no, no, no." Dan cried. "What's happening? What did you do?!" He yelled to Ana.

She came on. "I didn't do anything, whatever is happening is not because of me."

Phil then stopped shaking and sat up. "I'm fine!" He said as he sat up.

"What happened?" Anthony asked. 

"Apparently, that's a side effect from using my powers too much in a short amount of time." He said.


A/N: Hey guys! Since it's almost Christmas and I might not write again until after Christmas. Two chapters in one day is my present to y'all. So Merry Christmas(Or happy *enter holiday here*) My little presents

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