Chapter 8

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Ian's P.O.V

 They came and took me from the room tearing me apart from Anthony and Dan. As they blindfolded me tears came streaming from my eyes with me knowing this could possibly be the last time I ever saw them. I loved Anthony with a burning passion, knowing I might never see him again was heartbreaking. 

We walked for a bit then stopped. When we stopped I heard a door open, we then walked through the door and stopped again. This time when we stopped the man holding me removed the blindfold.

I looked around the room. There were hundreds of machines I had never seen before, but in one corner of the room was a sight that brought tears to my eyes. In the back corner of the room on a steel table was Phil's body. He looked like he was sleeping which hurt my heart even more. Knowing that he and Dan would never get to start dating or even see each other again was heart wrenching. I was about to turn my eyes away from Phil when I heard a female voice start talking. 

"I should've known your attention would be focused on Phil."

"Yeah, well if one of your friends was killed by someone, it might be hard for you to let them go too." I replied with anger.

"I really am sorry about your friend, but one person dying is a small price to pay for science to advance." 

I looked her in the eyes, trying not to explode with anger. "Let's just get this over with."

"Okay, first off my name is Ana-Grace Lane. Like I told Philip over there you can call me Ana." She said as if she were proud of her name. "I am going to be experimenting with a machine that is supposed to send the person back in time, for a couple minutes."

"So what you're telling me is I should be prepared to die then." I said sarcastically.

"No! not at all. This is a completely different machine then the one I was experimenting on Philip with. If all goes well, like I hope it will, you'll be one of the first people to ever travel back in time. This could be a major break through for science." She said trying to convince me it was completely safe. 

"Now Ian, could you please put this gown on and step inside that room over there." She handed me a gown and pointed to a room with a big machine inside of it.

I did what she told me to do but only because I really had no other choice. Then after I stepped into the room I noticed two other people had walked into the room. She introduced them to me as her brother and sister. She then had me sit in a seat that had loads of wires hooked up to it.

"Now on the count of three we are going to turn on the machine and send you back in time to about a day ago. We want to see if it is possible to save Philip from yesterday's disaster."

I was surprised I didn't know she cared that much. 

"Alright guys she said addressing her siblings... 3, 2, 1"


A/N: Cliffhanger... So I keep making the chapters shorter then I intend but I'm really trying to do my best with school and all. Anyway I hope y'all are enjoying the story. See ya soon my little sparkles.

Check out Smosh's video ^^^^^^

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