Chapter 12

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Ian's P.O.V.

I have no idea how long I've been in this room, but I'm going insane. They've kept the lights off, I've heard no other sound than the sounds I've made within this room. They keep my hands and feet chained to where I can't walk around, I haven't had anything to eat for so long. I've only gotten water from a little puddle a few inches away from me. I don't know how much longer I'll be able to keep on like this.

Third Person P.O.V.

"Okay." Ana said to Jen. "Get the machine."

Jen went to the work table where it was sitting and picked it up. They then pointed the device at Phil's porcelain figure. 

"Jen, if this works we'll be rich. We'll make millions. If this works... I might just have to keep him as my little lab rat." Ana laughed evilly. 

"Let's do this." Jen replied with just as much derangement in her tone as her sister.

They then pulled the trigger.

Phil's P.O.V. (A/N: Sorry I'm jumping around so much)

I woke up feeling dazed. I didn't remember anything. Who am I? Where am I? Who are these girls staring at me?

"He-Hello" It was hard for me to talk, my throat was so dry. 

"Hello! How are you?" One of the girls asked.

"Thirsty." I coughed out.

One of the girls ran to a sink and put some water in a glass, then returned and gave it to me.

"Here." The girl said.

I took the glass and drank the entire glass down before asking. "Not to be rude but... Who are you?" 

They exchanged a glance before one of them replied. "How much do you remember?" 

"To be honest not much."

They then turned to each other and started to argue. "Ana!" One said. "What are we supposed to do! We can't return him to his friends like this."

Ana responded. "What do you mean return him to his friends? Jen, I never actually intended to return him. His friends would go absolutely mental if we were to return him alive! Him not remembering could be a good thing."

"Ana, we have to return him. He might eventually remember. Besides we have to return Ian." 

"We don't have to do anything. Besides, if he does remember we can just kill him again."

"KILL ME?!?" I eventually butted in. "I don't want to die! I also want to know who these friends are. I want to know who I really am!" I was not liking who these people were.

"Fine." Ana said. "Take him to Ian at least. I think Ian's been punished enough."

Then these men came in and blindfolded me and tied my hands. Then, they had me walk.


A/N: Hey! So this story is going in a way that's unexpected for me. I even want to know what'll happen as I write. But this has been fun TTFN (Ta Ta For Now) little flowers.

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