Chapter 9

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Ian's P.O.V

"3, 2, 1..." That was it because as soon as she hit the button, I felt as if my body was being pulled in many different directions. I yelled but no sound was escaping from my mouth. I was about to pass out when all of a sudden everything just stopped.

I took a moment to catch my breath and look around. I was in the lab but outside of the glass room. I looked over to where the room was and it was the same room but the same machine wasn't in there. I looked over to where the steel table was Phil's body wasn't on there. 

"Hello!" I yelled out. 

No one responded. I heard someone about to walk through the door so I ran to a small janitors closet nearby and hid.

"Is this really what you want Ana?" I heard the voice of the man who had kidnapped us.

"Look I have to do this. If I can perfect this experiment, one of them will die for a couple days and then I'll just bring them back to life with the healing machine I made." It was Ana. What on earth was she talking about?

"But, will Luke and Jen know what's happening?" he asked with concern.

"No, I'll act like I didn't mean to kill him so they won't think I'm insane. I want to study the reactions of the friends too. I want to see what the emotions and thoughts are of people who think they've lost a friend."

"Ok you're right, this is for science to advance. So which one are you going to kill?" 

"The skinny, blackhaired one. I think his name is Philip Lester? Ah, yes Philip. So when they wake up give everyone but Philip food."

I stepped back in awe of what I had just heard. I was trying my hardest to let them know I wasn't there but I accidentally knocked over some brooms in the process. I froze.

"Who's there?" Ana was walking closer. If I didn't get out of there soon I was going to be in trouble.

But right as I heard Ana reach for the door, I suddenly felt as if I was being pulled in several directions. The machine had come through just in time. As soon as the force stopped I looked in Ana's direction. She looked like she honestly wanted to know the results, but after what I had just heard the test was what I least wanted to talk about.

"Ian! How did the test go?!" She asked with excitement.

I ignored the question. "Really! You want an honest answer from me when you've been lying to us this entire time!"

"What are you talking about?" Ana asked looking worried.

"Oh you know, just the fact that you planned to kill Phil from the very beginning!"

"Oh. That." She sounded absolutely pathetic.

"Ana, what is he talking about?" Luke asked anger rising in his tone.

"I did plan to kill him. It's true. I didn't want to tell you two. I wanted to study everyone's emotions throughout the entire thing before I used my healing machine to bring him back to life tomorrow."

"Bring him back NOW!" I yelled.

"No." It was a quiet voice. I turned to see it was Jen. 

"What do you mean no?" I asked.

"If Ana gives up the experiment now she won't get her answers. The experiment has to last for the amount of time she has given for it. Also because you now know we can't let you back with the others until the experiment has ended."

I looked at Jen and then at Luke and Ana. Luke looked like he disagreed, But Ana looked like she agreed 100%.

"No, Jen. Ana. We can't do this. This is wrong on so many levels. Just let all of them go. I don't even see why you needed them in the first place." Luke argued.

"Luke, we have to continue the experiment. So whether or not you agree we're going to continue." Ana said quietly.

"Well then you can continue without me!" He then stormed out.

Ana then turned to me.

"Ian, I'm sorry but I can't let you back with the others until after the experiment. Until then I'll have you locked in another prison cell."

"What?" I asked with anger mixed with concern. 

"Guards!." Ana yelled into an intercom.

Four guards then came through the door. 

"Take him to holding cell 4. I want you to also bind his arms, feet and mouth. I don't want him to be able to make contact with the others for two days. Also don't let anyone in or out of the prison, or give him any food for that amount of time. I want to see how he reacts to so much time alone." 

"No, no, no! Please no!" I yelled as they binded my mouth and blindfolded me.

With pure evil in her voice Ana then called out to me."See you in a couple days Ian." 


A/N: Hello! How's life? If you say pretty good or pretty bad no matter I feel you all! Gotta love life. Anyway, See Ya Later my little snowdrops!

Check out Smosh's video up above. ^^^^^

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