Chapter 7

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Anthony's P.O.V

I couldn't believe I had accidentally said that. With only a few words I had revealed how I felt about Ian. He hadn't even said anything to me afterwards, he had just stared at me with confusion on his face. I felt like such an idiot, and what's worse is he's going to have to be tomorrows test subject. After them taking one of our friends you'd think they'd stop and let us go, but no they just keep going after half a days rest. Poor Phil, he didn't deserve to die and Dan didn't deserve to go through this pain right after admitting his love to Phil. 

I looked over at Ian, he was asleep head leaning against a wall with tear streaked cheeks from crying and comforting Dan about Phil's death. I didn't want to lose my best friend and the man I loved to these people. But, how on earth could I protect him from people who had complete control over us and what we ate, and where we were kept.

Ian started to stir, his eyes opened. He looked over at me smiling when he saw me awake. He got up quietly and walked over to me before sitting down next to me.

"We need to talk." Ian said starring me straight in the eyes.

"About what?" I asked pretending to not know what he was talking about.

"About what you said earlier." 

"Oh... that." I said dreading the part where Ian told me he didn't like me in that way. "Look I-"

"I love you Anthony." Ian blurted out before I could finish my thought. I stared at him in shock.

"I... I love you too." I said back happily. 

We then heard Dan stir in his sleep. We looked over but he stayed asleep. We then looked back at each other. We then forcefully brought our lips together in a passionate kiss. 

"Well it's about time." We heard a sleepy Dan say. It startled both of us making us jump away from each other. "I knew both of you had a thing for each other." Dan said, sounding happy for us but still having a sad edge to it because of Phil.

"We're sorry Dan." I said to him all of a sudden feeling sad about the absence of Phil myself. "Phil was a great guy. Everyone knew you guys were close, even before you said you loved each other."

"Thanks. I'm happy for you guys I really am. I just miss my Philly." He said.

Ian and I both walked over to Dan and hugged him. Once again morning the loss of our dear friend.

"Well, I'm glad to see a hug fest going on." The females voice said. "Ian we'll be coming to get you after you have finished eating."

Food was then pushed through the door.

"No. Ian." I cried softly. "Yesterday we told Phil he was probably going to be fine and he died... I don't want to lose you too Ian."

"I don't know what's going to happen, but even if I don't come back I love you Anthony. I love you so much it's hard to express in words. You're beautiful inside and out. You always seem to know the eact words to say to me whenever I feel down. You're the best friend I've ever had and I love you to the moon and back. If I live through this we are definitely going to officially start dating and I can tell everyone how amazing and beautiful you are." Ian then leaned over and kissed me with as much passion as he could. He then pulled away when he needed air. 

He then turned to Dan and said. "Dan you're a good friend, no matter what you think about yourself after Phil you are a good friend. I'm sure he'd tell you the same thing. Don't blame yourself for this entire thing, you are not the one responsible for this. Phil told you the exact same thing so believe it." 

We then ate the food quickly. Before Ian was completely done they then came and took him from us, leaving us behind in silence. As I starred at the door the guards had just taken Ian through a tear then ran down my eye.


A/N: Hey guys, School has been hectic lately. Since I've started the second semester I have not had much time to write. But, I will update hopefully at least once a month. So anyway my little chickadees ttyl. :~)

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