Chapter 10

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Anthony's P.O.V

Dan and I sat in the room. We were sitting close together, but that was only because we were both scared about what was going to happen. 

"Dan..." I said hesitantly.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"What happens if Ian doesn't come back?" I knew my voice had to have hints of sadness mixed in from the constant feeling of wanting to cry.

"I honestly don't know Anthony." I could hear his own sadness straining his voice. "I guess until we know... We just hope that he's okay."

That's when she (As I had taken to calling her in my mind) started to speak.

"Okay guys!" She sounded quite pleased with herself. "Ian made it through the experiment!" 

It felt like the entire world had been lifted off my shoulders. "Where is he?!?" I wanted to see for myself that Ian was okay.

"You'll be able to see him soon enough, but for now I'm going to keep him in a separate room to watch for any unexpected side effects." 

"Side effects?!? What did you guys do to him that might cause him to have side effects?" I was furious, if they had hurt Ian in any way, they were going to pay.

"Nothing has happened, he's perfectly fine right now and he probably will remain his old self. I just wanted to take precaution just in case." She sounded calm so I decided for the time being I would stay calm, so she didn't do anything bad to him.

"Fine. But as soon as you're done 'studying' him I want him back." I said still a bit irritated.

"Yes of course. Tomorrow and the day after there will be no experiments because it's the weekend and my staff needs to rest. So until further notice goodbye boys." Then most of the lights except for one or two turned off.

I turned to Dan. He looked pale. "Dan? are you alright?"

"I'm fine. It's just that it's really dark and Phil... he used to... he used to comfort me when it was really dark." He had tears in his eyes again at the mention of Phil.

"Oh, Dan! I'm sorry you can stay close to me for the time being if you want. I know this has to be really tough for you." I said, not wanting him to be scared, and feeling even more upset because his friend wasn't there to comfort him anymore. 

"It's just..." He started off in a whisper. "Phil was my everything. He was my light, my rock, my best friend, my only love... Now that he's gone, I don't know how I'm going to keep on living." He was now crying hard. I felt so bad. I don't know if it was right or wrong.... but I felt bad for Ian making it. I'm thrilled he did, but the pain Dan was going through was almost unbearable to be around without feeling every inch of his heart going out to his lost best friend. 

We fell asleep hugging. The entire time missing our loves.


A/N: I am so mean. I literally was feeling the pain as I wrote this. But, I hope y'all are enjoying it. I would love to hear what y'all think but any way TTYL my little lions!!! ;)

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